Chapter 9

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Katie's POV

"One Red Raspberry Leaf Tea, just the way you like it." My assistant Lola says handing me my now recently morning drink. Usually, I start off my work day with my Cinnamon Dolce Latte, but since the pregnancy I've been trying to stir clear of drinking coffee, especially expressos.

"Thanks Lola." I taking a sip, and like she said it was just the way I liked it. I wasn't one for a lot of sugar, and I'm weird and like milk in my tea, but not too much milk, which is way Lola had to make me at least five more before she got it right. I of course still drank them all, I'm not the picky, Lola is the perfectionist.

"So, you're scheduled for a two meetings so the whole model arrangement, and with Fence Lockwood for your new design on his first female line." Lola informs me as we walked through the building to my office.

I mentally roll my eyes. Fence was someone I did not want to have another meeting with. I can't stand the guy. For starter his name is Fence Lockwood, and he couldn't be more full of himself. "Is that all?" I ask and Lola shakes her head.

"No, you also have a meeting with a magazine executive, about Raisa Keli. They're offering a lot of money for her to be the face of their new line." Lola informs and I quickly halt in my tracks.

"But she's the face of this line!" I exclaim and Lola nods. "I know, that's why they want to buy her from us." Lola tells me and I roll my eyes. I worked too hard to get her.

"Tell then no, Raisa stays right here."

"But, you didn't even hear what they have to say." Lola says and before I could respond someone else came up to me. It was one of my designer Marcellus.

"I'm all out of pins and I cannot find anymore, I know I have a deadline, but Marissa-" He starts and I already know where this is going because he comes to tell me about this everything.

"Marissa! If you don't give this man some of your damn pins!" I shout getting fed up with him coming to me about this, like he was in elementary school instead of just going out and buying his own pins or solving it himself.

I roll my eyes and walk away, why was I so irritated all of a sudden. I just felt this itch, and everything little thing was making me irritated, and I wasn't doing anything but walking to my office.

"Katie! We need a-" I quickly cut my employee Jessy off. "Just give me a second." I say walking past him. I was starting to feel sick to my stomach. I felt the something coming up in the back of my throat and I quickly ran to the bathroom. I barely made it to the toilet before I just started throwing up. And it just kept coming, and coming and coming. Then, the thought of how nasty it felt coming down my throat made me throw up even more.

I was literally sitting on the floor hovered off the toilet just throwing up for five minutes straight. "Are you okay?" Lola's small voice spoke up and I can't respond because of the vomit escaping my throat.

Oh my god! What the Fuck! I yelled in my yelled as it kept coming. I was not looking forward to the morning sickness of this pregnancy.

I was currently now laying in bed resting. After puking my guts out, I decided I couldn't stay at work another minute, I needed to get home and shower, because so felt nasty then just lay down. I hear the elevator door ding all the way from inside my room and I know it's Hunter.

It's a few minutes later before he starts calling my name. Probably, because usually I'm always in the living room when he gets home. "Katie!" He calls again this time his voice is louder and closer meaning his approaching my room. "Katie." He says and I hear him calling my perfectly clear, but I just don't have the means to answer him.

He knocks on my door before opening it. I simply look at him and not say anything and he looks at me walking further into my room. "Did you hear me calling you?" He ask taking a seat on the edge of my bed. My throat was so dry, but I managed to speak to him. "Yeah." I respond my voice coming out raspy.

"Were you sleep?" He asked noticing my raspy voice. I shake my head, 'no.'

"What's wrong with you?" He ask and I sigh. Why is he asking me so many questions. "I don't feel good." I give him the short answer and he looks at me concerned. "Everything Okay with the baby?" He ask and I nod a look of relief flashes in his eyes before he looks worried yet again.

"You need something?" He asked then added on. "I can make you soup." He suggest and I smile. That actually sound so good right about now. "Yes, please." I say and Hunter smiles down at me gets up causing the bed to lift up. Dang his heavy self.

He leaves the room and close the door behind him once he does I grab my phone. I saw that I got a missed call from Shane. Which was surprising, Shane was terrible at answering a phone call and hardly ever called anyone. You'd have to text him to really get ahold of that fool.

I called back, and he answered. "Hello?"

"You called? What do you want?" I asked counting straight to the point and I knew for a fact I would bet money on it that he rolled his eyes. "Dang! Hello to you to." He replies back and I laugh lightly.

"So you know I've been thinking about this for a while, but I never wanted to cross that boundary, but since your fricking pregnant by my best friend. You obviously don't know what boundaries are, so why should I-" He rambles and I roll my eyes.

"-I'm about to hang up on you." I deadpan and be sighs and gets to the point. "I want you to set me up with Tasha."

Immediately start laughing. Was he serious? "I'm not joking." Shane says and I shake my head. This was not happening. "Shane goodbye." I say and he sighs. "At least put in a good word for me."

I laugh again, I really needed this. He was making me forget all about my stomach ache. Tasha was not thinking about him like that. "Okay Shane." I reply. "Really?"

I roll my eyes at him, "Bye Shane." I say and hang up. Hunter walks into the room with soup and crackers in his hands and water. I smile sitting up. He walks over to me, and sits down on the edge of the bed. "Thank you." I reaching for the bowl quickly but Hunter stops me.

"Careful it's hot." Hunter warns and I nod taking the bowl slowly from him, and surprisingly the outside of the bowl wasn't hot, but I could see that the soup was letting off steam so it had to be hot.

I slowly raise the spoon of soup to my mouth and blow on it until I felt it was cool brought before taking a sip. It was so good, like heaven in my mouth. Hunter deserved credit when it was do, he was actually really good. "It's really good." I tell him.

"Thanks. Well, eat that all. I'll be on the loft if you need me." He says and I nod before he leaves my room making sure to close to door behind him.

I finished the soup and the next thing I know I was knocked all the way out.



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