Chapter 10

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Katie's POV

"You ready?" Hunter asked stepping a good distance behind me as I looked at my self in the full length mirror in my closet. I sigh looking at Hunter through the mirror. Today was the day of 'the' dinner, where our families are going to meet. "As ready as I'll ever be." I reply and Hunter places his hands on my shoulders. "Everything is going to be fine." Hunter reassures and I get again sigh, because he doesn't know that.

I turn around lean against the mirror so I was facing him. "You don't know what can happen. Everything can go horribly, horribly wrong. I know I probably should have, but I didn't tell my mother that we weren't together or ever together." I ramble out and Hunter's hands drop to his sides before he raises them back up and cross them. "What?" He asked genuinely confused.

"She was just so happy about my pregnancy, I couldn't disappoint her, but saying you were a one night stand, and we aren't together, because my mother is a very traditional person, and I'm surprised that she was even happy about me being pregnant. She even wants to go to my doctors appointment on Monday-"

My long ramble was cut short by Hunter chuckles before he once again grabbed my shoulders. "Everything we'll be fine. Stop over thinking it." He reassures as he rubs my shoulders in a soothing way. I take a deep breathe and nod. He's right there's not to worry about.

He smirks down at me, "So, you told your mom that we're together, I like that." He winks and I roll my eyes pushing his hands away from my and stepping away from the mirror, and through the bathroom with Hunter following me.

"I didn't tell her that we were together, I let her think that." I defend and Hunter laughs from behind me. "What's the difference?"

I roll my eyes and ignore his question as we walked back into my room. I walked over to my bed and sat down while Hunter continued to lean against the door frame of the bathroom. "But, for you. I guess I can pretend we're together." He says as if he would be the worse thing in the world to be with me, but I could tell his was joking.

"Really for me?" I ask and Hunter nods walking over to me before taking a seat. "Yeah, however I can't speak on my parents." Hunter respond and my eyes widened. "You told you're parents?!" I  exclaims and as if I was joking Hunter just laughs. "Yeah, not all of us lie to our parents."

Without even thinking I quickly raised my fist as if I was going to hit him, "Hunter I will-" I start before I stopped myself abruptly, I breathe deeply before continuing, "-that's not funny." I say putting my fist down. However, because of who Hunter is he of course still thought it was funny. "It's very funny-," He throws his arms around me, "-girlfriend."

I smack my lips and push his arm away, and quickly get up while exclaiming as I walked away, "Hunter! Oh my god! I hate you, you always think something is funny!"

"You look beautiful by the way!" He shouts and I roll my eyes turning the corner. I just know he's still back there laughing. I sat down on the couch and not a long time after Hunter walks into the living and takes one look at me and laugh. "What's funny?" I ask and Hunter shakes his head and sit down on the couch opposite of mine.

The elevator door dings and Hunter smiles widely at me. "Look, Honey, someone's at the door."

I roll my eyes at him, "You're having too much fun with this."

He laughs and walks over to me before helping me to my feet. The two of us walk through the living room to the elevator. Hunter quickly and with ease put in the code and the doors opened. I was a little anxious to see who was going to come through the door. I didn't know if it was Hunter's mom Dinah or his dad Logan and his sisters or what. What if I look terrible? What if they don't like me? Why do I care so much about that they think?

The doors finally opened after what felt like a million years and it revealed Shane and Cameron along with my mother. I let out a sigh of relief. "Hi!" I greeted excitedly pulling everyone into a hug.

"Hey sis." Shane says as we hugged while Cameron walked further into the apartment. "Something smells good!" Cameron shouts already getting comfortable. While my mother was my mother and stayed by the elevator waiting to be introduced even though she already know Hunter.

I grabbed Hunter's arm and guided him over to my mother. "Ma, this is the father of my child; Hunter." I introduced and say holds out her hand for him to shake.

However, Hunter being Hunter he took my mother's hand and flipped it over where he placed a kiss on the back of her hand. This had my mother swooned. "I believe I've already had the pleasure of meeting you."

I roll my eyes watching as my mother smiles nearly starstruck. "You have." She replies and Hunter gives her a charming smile. He lets go of her hand and offer out his arm for her to grab hold of. "Let me show you to the kitchen." He says leading the way and I roll my eyes again following them.

"Beautiful home." My mother compliments. "Thank you." He replies as we step into the kitchen. The table was already sit, thanks to yours truly. I just feel guilty that Hunter is cooking everything and I'm basically doing nothing so I set the table. I mean in comparison it wasn't nothing, but he makes me feel like I'm doing something.

"Please sit." Hunter says flattering my mother even more. I just hope it's this easy to flatter his mother. My mother with out having to be told twice sits down, and smiles over at me. "You've really hit the jackpot here Katie." My mother gushes and I smile at her. I didn't know if she was talking about Hunter or the place honestly.

"Hunter." I call while he was engaging in conversation with my mother. He ignores me.

"Hunter." I call again. "Yes baby." He answers and I was a bit taken back before I felt flattered. Then, I remembered our talk before my mother came. "Can I talk to you?" I ask and he nods before smiling down at my mother kindly then walking over to me. I grab his arm and guide him to the hallway of my room.

"Stop getting along with my mom so well. You're going make me look bad, because what if I don't get along with your parents so well." I whine and Hunter laughs before he stops when he sees the glare on my face.

"It'll be fine. I promise. They're like you." Hunter reassures and I roll my eyes.

"No, your family is going to think I'm an idiot whore that got pregnant after a one night." I could feel that I was whining and it was making me even more upset, because I don't whine. Is it too early for me to blame it on the hormones?

Hunter grabs my chin and looks into my eyes sternly, "Hey! Don't talk like that! You're not a whore! And you know you're not a whore! Katie why are we even having this conversation, they're going to love you."

I sigh deeply and Hunter pulls me into a hug. I hug him back. "Wow, having a pretend girlfriend is more work than a real one."

I smack my lips and pull away from him, "You're always ruining something." I respond and he laughs before we walk back out to my family. My sister had already found the wine so she was pouring her a glass while Shane and my mother talked.

"I see you found the wine." I say walking over to Cameron while Hunter walks into the kitchen to check on the food. "That's right. I went up five floors to get here, and you know I don't like cardio. I need this wine." She respond and I narrow my eyebrows at her. "Do you mean the five floors you traveled on the elevator?" I ask and she nods. "Yes." She responds as if it pained her before taking another sip of her wine.

I shake my head at her, "You're something else."

The elevator dings and in walked a tall lady with blonde hair and blue eyes, that I recognized as Hunter's mother with a tall man behind her and two woman. Did she know the codes?

"Mom! Dad!" Hunter exclaims walking over to them. He pulls his family into each of their separate hugs. My family stand up and start to make their way over when Hunter says, "I'd like you to meet Katie and her family."

I take a deep breathe to calm my nerves... okay, here goes nothing.



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