Chapter 4

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"You can help me you know?" Hunter says as he walks out of my very close to empty closet with two full boxes in his hand. I simply shrug my shoulders as I sat on the floor in the center of my empty bedroom. "No heavy lifting, I'm pregnant remember." I respond, I've been using that excuse all day.

Hunter rolls his eyes and his about to respond when Cameron beats him to it. "Katie get your ass up, and help us!" She exclaims walking out of my closet behind him with a box in her hand marked, 'shoes'.

I groan, "No!" I childishly remark. I wasn't in the mood for helping. I didn't even want to move on the first place, and since I'm getting forced out of my house, I'm going to sit here and go nothing. "Yes!" Cameron says back and I roll my eyes.

"Make me."

Cameron simply glares at me, "You're lucky you're pregnant."

I roll my eyes and decide against saying anything back. I watch as her and Hunter walk out of the room then Shane and Tasha walk in. "Did they get all the boxes?" Shane asked and I shrug. I honestly didn't know, I hadn't step foot in the closet since they got here, and started moving everything out. I've probably been sitting in the same spot for a good 45 minutes.

"How don't you know." Tasha retorts and I shrug yet again. Tasha rolls her eyes and goes into the closet to look. "Nope! There's still two more boxes! Damn! Katie, how much stuff do you have?!" She exclaimed from inside my closet and I laugh. "A lot." I reply and Shane sighs sitting down next to me.

"I can't believe my baby sis is pregnant." Shane says and I roll my eyes. "You say baby sis, like you're a lot older than me." I remark and Shane laughs. "I'm a whole three years older than you." Shane replies and I shake my head. "Two years and four months." I correct and he roll his eyes while shaking his head. "Three."

"When I was a Sophomore you were a senior. That's only two years, my brother." I explain and Shane still shakes his head, as if I wasn't right. We also had this argument since we were kids. I can't deal with Shane, he also tries to make himself older than he is, and Hunter too. I remember in high school he would also call me kid, like he wasn't two grades higher than me. Now, look at us, having a baby together.

"Shane! Come help me!" Tasha shouted from inside the closet and he quickly got up and went to her rescue. I shake my head at him, since high school I've always felt he had a crush on her. However, unlike me Tasha was a junior when they were senior. We were best friend in high school, but we weren't in the same grade. She was one grade higher than me, the same grade as Cameron, while Shane and Hunter were two grader higher.

So, I was the last one of the graduate high school.

"You're still sitting there." Cameron says walking back into the room and I shrug. They all thought I was joking when I said, I wasn't lifting anything. Tasha and Shane came out of my soon to be old closet with the last of the boxes. "That's the last of them." Shane says walking past Cameron with Tasha following closely behind him. "Okay." Cameron replies and he and Tasha leave the room.

"So, everything is packed and ready for you to go." Cameron instructs and I smile. "Good." I answer standing to my feet and dusting my butt off in the process. Cameron rolls her eyes at me before the two of us walked side by side out of now old room.

Hunter stood by the front door waiting for us. "Ready to go?" Hunter asked and I sigh deeply. "As ready as I'll ever be." I respond and Hunter nods before placing his hand on the small of my back as we walked out of my empty apartment with Cameron right behind us. She closed the door behind her and the three us made our way down the hallway stairs before were outside, where Hunter's car waited for us.

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