Chapter 21

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Katie POV

I wiped off the ultra sound gel from my belly before pulling down my shirt. Hunter insisted on routine baby check ups every two weeks with my primary care giver during this pregnancy.

Truthfully, this had only been my second time coming and so far I like it. The last two times I've been, it's all been the same thing. That the baby is healthy, and growing so there's no need for panic. Which, I already knew. However, Hunter's paranoid ass just likes to hear it again.

"You sure everything is ok, because Katie's been complaining about like pain... down there?" Hunter questions standing closely beside me. He hasn't missed an appointment yet, and every time he's in the room standing right next to me. He plays his fiancé role very well.

The doctor smiles at Hunter with reassure, "Yes, it's just pregnancy cramps, and it is not uncommon. Completely normal." The doctor explain even though he didn't need to,  because I told him this. The other day I was coming off the couch and I winced due to cramp down there. It caused me to stumble a bit, and Hunter freaked out.

He started asking me what was wrong and all kinds of questions. I told him it's fine I get them all the time, and suddenly I've been "complaining" about the pain. Hunter nods before looking down at me. I look at him before sitting up and jumping down from the hospital bed. "Doctor Caz?" I speak gaining the doctor's attention. "Yes."

"When do you think I'll start showing?" I asked realizing that I'm about 9 to 10 weeks pregnant and I've only gained about 4 pounds... maybe even only 3. I figured I'd ask because I'm not showing at all, and I don't know if that's healthy or not. "Normally women start to show around 12 to 16 weeks. It depends on the woman though, every pregnancy is different. However, you can expect to definitely be showing around 17 to 20 weeks."

"If she isn't does that mean something is wrong with the baby?" Hunter asked butting in, pulling the attention towards him. I look up at Hunter to see him crossing his arms as he looked curiously at the Doctor. His eye brows were middled and his lips pursed as he waited for an answer. My eyes couldn't help but travel down and admire the way his simple black t-shirt hugged his muscles perfectly. And him crossing his arms only made them more noticeable.

What am I doing? I ask myself before shaking my head and turning my attention back to the doctor. I really needed to stop thinking of Hunter like that, it's what got me in trouble the first time.

"..It is a possibly, maybe the baby isn't developing properly. However, from your ultra sound your baby is growing perfectly. So, I wouldn't worry too much about that it's just unnecessary stress." He smiles reassuringly, which I feel like was becoming a habit of his. Especially with Hunter, this man had more questions than me and I'm the one who's pregnant.

"Ok." Hunter nods and the Doctor looks between the both of us and smile. "Is there anything else I can answer for you?" He asked kindly and I liked that. I felt very comfortable around Doctor Caz he seem as if he actually cares about his patients. The last time I was here, he was kind, and made me feel comfortable enough to make him my primary care doctor.

I look at Hunter for reassure, he didn't look like he had anything else to say and I know that I didn't either. "No, but thank you." I reply back, and Doctor Caz nods.

"Ok, you're free to go." Once Doctor Caz said that we immediately began gathering our stuff. I reached for my purse while Hunter grabbed it jacket. He held mine out for me and allowed me to slip my arms into the sleeves. I flipped my hair out from my jacket before turning around to thank Hunter.

"So, your next appointment is scheduled for Wednesday the 24th at noon in exactly 2 weeks?" The doc states even though it came off as more of a question. It was clear that he wanted confirmation. I look up at Hunter, "Is that good for you?" I asked knowing that his work schedule wasn't as flexible as mine.

Hunter nods, "Yes, that's good."

"Ok, great." Doctor Caz says as he stands up from his blue desk chair. He makes his way over to us with his hand extended, "See you in two weeks." He smiles charmingly before giving me a handshake and then Hunter. "Alrighty," I respond before following Hunter's lead out of the office.

Hunter and I made our way down the hallway and to the elevators. This hospital wasn't small but it wasn't huge either. I figured we should be at a hospital close to Hunter's place, because most likely when my water breaks we're going to be driving from his house. So, the shorter the distance the better.

"You hungry?" Hunter asked as we approached the elevator. "Yes! I'm starving." I drag out in a song like tone as I pressed the button of the elevator. The sound of the door dings as the down arrow lights up indicating it was only a matter of time before the doors opened.

Hunter laughs, "So, what do you have a taste for?"

"Cooking or buying?" I question as the doors glided open.

"Whatever you want." Hunter replies with a boyish grin that could probably make any women fall for his charm. Hunter and I walked inside the empty elevator and immediately the doors closed behind us.

"Ummmm...." I said aloud as I thought about what I actually wanted. I was still debating rather I wanted him to actually cook or buy. After pressing the lobby button Hunter leaned against the wall of the elevator and waited for me to answer.

However, it was hard to decide what I actually have a taste for. Nowadays, I have a taste for everything like raw olives in ranch. I thought for about another 5 seconds before the answer came to me.

"I kinda want this meal I got from this one Puerto Rican restaurant. The dish is called, Arroz blanco habichuelas y bistec encebollado."

Hunter nods, "Alright, so you want to go to that restaurant?" He asked right as the doors dinged and seconds after the elevator doors opened.

Hunter and I walked off side by side, "Nah, that's ok. We can make it. It's just Latin-style steak with onions beans and rice." I explain only making my self more hungry. I can just imagine biting into the steak and immediately the flavor melts into my mouth slowly easing both mine and my baby's hunger.

Hunter smiles at me, "You gotta show me how to make it."

I suck my teeth before smiling over at him, "Duh! But it's not even that hard. It's just rice, beans and steak. And plus you're a really good cook."

The smile on Hunter's face couldn't go unnoticed it was so wide, which only made me want to smile harder. "Thank you, but this is your meal. I want it however you want it."

"Ok." I smile from ear to ear feeling my whole body rush with happiness. I've been feeling these surges at lot lately, where I really just sit back and look at me life and notice that I'm actually really happy. I don't know if that has anything to do with Hunter or my baby, or how well my shop is doing or if... I'm just happy.







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