Chapter 20

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So before I start I changed the color form baby blue to black.the story will be in rileys pov unless i say at the top.
By the time we were done it was 10:30 so we went straight home and to bed just cuddling and not letting go.
*time skip* (next week)
today was the day of mine and nialls anniversary i just hope he remembers he hasnt said anything about it i woke up to no niall in the room and a note on his pillow 'morning babe sorry i couldnt be here for u to wake up got called to the studio after you fell asleep last night ill text you when im coming home i love you ❤️' i thought it was a bit odd as it had no kisses but maybe he was tried and just using the studio as an excuse for our anniversry maybe he was doing something had it planned i just hope so.
It was 7:30pm and i still hadnt heard anything but mom got a text of dad saying they wouldnt be much longer i told mom to get dad to tell niall to text me when they are nearly home i made a special meal for us and went upstairs to change into what i got for nialls surprise (outfit above) i knew mom was still up as i could here the tv on downstairs i was waiting so i played on flappy birds for a bit and i finally got the text of niall but it wasnt what i was expecting 'hey gonna go out with the boys for drinks tell perrie' and that was it i turned my phone off and re put what i had on before just walking downstairs and seeing mom on the couch i went and sat next to her bursting out in tears "hun whats up?" she asked proberly wondering why i had a random outburst "h-he forgot h-he forgot our anniversy and gone o-out with the b-boys for drinks"i said sobbing as mom played with my hair "aw'h hun im sorry,why dont you go get some sleep?" she said "yeah and when they come back tell niall he can sleep in his own room and not mine"i said as i knew mom wouldnt go to bed without dad being here "sure thing hun"she said kissing my forehead "dont worry about the kitchen ill clean it up in the morning"i said and walking off upstairs.
*next morning*
I woke up and looked in the mirror my eyes were bloodshock and puffy my hair was a mess and makeup down my face i knew nobody would be up so i went down to clean the kitchen,as i was scrapping whatever was on both plates into the bin someone came though "hey what was that" and it was that irish accent that gave it all away "oh you know just our anniversy dinner"i said making it seem like no big deal "what our annivery isnt for another 2-3 weeks"he said and as he said that i walked off upstairs to write a not for mom and dad and booking a plane ticket to australia to see an old mate i just hope he still lives there.
So whos riley gonna go see? Sorry if it wasnt as good and i know i didnt stick to my update plane and i feel really bad about that guys im so sorry xxxxxxx ❤️

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