Chapter 4

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*rileys point of view*

I can't get the blue eyes out of my head he's just so perfect right now we all were sitting round the dining table eating tea but I couldn't stop thinking about him my sub concsins starting butting "even if you both felt the same way he would never go out with you" she said "what give me 3 reasons why he wouldn't"i asked her back "well 1 your ugly 2 your fat and 3 you are a mess you have scars everywhere" she said proud of herself after she told me this I played around with my food "momma is it okay if I leave the table" I asked "yeah sure but you haven't eaten much" she told me " yeah I'm just not hungry" and with that I left the table. I walked in my room and shut the door and went to my bath room I turned the shower on to heat up and stripped down and looked at myself I guess she was right I was fat I looked though the cupboards and found what I was looking for.My Razor. I took it to my hips first then my wrist I made about 6-7 cuts the blood oozed out of it I jumped in the shower witch was a bad mistake the water stung it bad I hissed at the contact but got use to it. I was in there for about 45 mins so I got out and changed into some sweats and tank top and tied my hair in a messy bun when I had done I was really thirsty so I went to get a bottle of water everyone was in the living room I walked past and straight into the kitchen I got my water and leaned on the counter zayn was in the kitchen getting drinks as we'll "can you pass the sugar please" he asked me "sure" I replied I stretched my arm out and got the sugar when I had it "WHAT THE HELL ARE THOSE?" zayn yelled shit he saw how could I forget my hoodie "o-oh they urmm they are just" I mumbled not knowing what to say "WELL?" He yelled again I didn't say anything "so this is what you are a disappointment"zayn said to me "so why did you adopted me then?" I asked "coz Perrie wanted to" he said "WELL MAYBE YOU SHOUlD OF LEFT ME THEN" I screamed at him feeling a wash of anger come over me "MAYBE I SHOULD OF,NOW GET TO YOUR ROOM" he yelled at me "NO DONT TELL ME WHAT TO YOUR NOT MY DAD" I yelled back she walked over to me and smacked me across the face "Riley I'm so-" he started but I cut "NO your just like him" I said and stormed off only to be stopped bye Perrie " what happend?" She asked "Perrie I'm sorry I want to go back" I said I knew this was gonna brake her heart but it was true I could be here with zayn.

*perries point of view*

Riley hadn't eaten hardly anything I heard the shower go on and about 45 minutes later it stopped and Riley came out and into the kitchen I could hear yelling but I thought they where joking and all of the sudden it went quite and Riley came back out with tears streaming down her face "what happened?" I asked "perrie I'm sorry I want to got back" she said I knew what she meant she want to go back to the orphanage " w-what why did I do something" I asked tears filling my eyes "no it's zayn I can't stay here if he's just gonna abuse me it's gonna be like living with my mum again" she said all the boys looked over shocked and I was " what do you mean?" I asked confused "me and zayn got into and argument and he slapped me" she said crying " what was the argument about?" All she did was held her wrist out and pulled her top up a bit I gasped and pulled her into a hug I heard all the other boys gasp as we'll and niall was nearly crying I think he likes her he wouldn't stop looking at her all throughout dinner it doesn't bother me if he does nows not the time Perrie " come let go to your room" I said we sat down on her bed "you know what we will get this sorted" I say " I hope so" she replied after that she fell asleep I sneaked out of her room and went to niall "hey nialler can we talk?" I asked him " sure" he replied " do you like Riley?" I asked " I urmm" he stumbled on his words " niall spit it out" I joked " okay yes I Do a lot" she said sighing " she wouldn't go out with me she's too good for me" he said " hey don't talk like that she likes you too a lot but don't tell her I told you" I said laughing " she does?" He asked surprised "yeah a lot" I said getting up " night niall" I said before walking to mine and zayn a room I saw him laying there and I scoffed at him "pez I didn't mean to" he said " then why did you do it" I asked getting changed " I got caught up in the moment" he said really sad " she wants to go back and it's your fault" I said getting into bed " I know but why does she cut" he asked me " okay when she was 3 when her dad left her and her mum she then got a new bf and he abused her and raped her she's been there since she was 10 and then you go do this you need to fix this zayn I mean it" I said turning the light off.

* Riley's point of view*

I woke up and my cheek hurt I got out of bed and got dressed and brushed my hair and looked at my face I went to the kitchen to get breakfast and zayn and momma was in there " morning Hun" she said giving my head a kiss " morning momma" I didn't even look at zayn " Riley?" I heard zayn say "What" I snapped "I'm sorry I didn't know you went though all that" he says looking really sorry "it's fine" I said and carried on " I really am sorry" he said "DAD! It's fine" I shouted and realised what I said "did you just" he said tearing up "yeah" I said and hugged him " oh and your starting school tomorrow" momma said " what" I said and walked off to my room. I had been sitting there for about 15 minutes when I heard a knock "Riley can I come in?" I heard an Irish accent "zeal sure come in" I said and moved over " I need to talk" he said sitting down "Riley I know we only met but I really like you would you please be my girlfriend and go on a date with me?" He asked me wait what he likes me " niall I really like you too and course I will it would be an honor" I replied he leaned in and so did I our lips met and fireworks went off just then the door opened to reveille a furious zayn " GET THE FUCK OFF MY DAUGHTER" he yelled flying towards niall and punching him in the face "STOP!!!!" I screamed momma came in and I tried to pull them apart but I got pushed and straight towards the wall hitting my head blood pouring out "CALL A AMBULANCE" I heard Perrie scream and then I blacked out.....


Okay so you hate me it's official I haven't been very well and I don't know what is wrong :/ but I might upload tomorrow depends xxxxx

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