i. whatever it takes

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This is taking place Post Infinity War/Early on in Endgame (before the 5 years). Some of the stuff in the story: lines, characters, place, scenarios, are Marvel's not mine *but you knew that already*. This is my first-time writing fanfiction, so it probably sucks *sorry* but I love this ship too much to not write about it.

 Late April 2018

Steve's POV:

I was in the kitchen of the Avengers compound, many thoughts running through my mind. It was pretty quiet most of the time, which was okay considering all that had happened in the past few weeks. I was about to go outside and look around when Natasha came into the kitchen.

Nat's POV:

Half of the population is gone. After we got Tony and Nebula back to earth, and Thor killed Thanos, we all went our different directions. The only one I still kept in touch with was Rhodey, who was scouting for other Avengers who might be missing, most specifically Clint, who hadn't turned up for a few weeks now. Steve and I are the only ones still just sitting here at the Avengers compound. It wasn't so lonely with him around. This was the first time we were alone together in about 4 years now. I found him sulking in the kitchen, as usual.

"Hey. You okay?" I asked him. He looked up and gave me a small, sad smile, which answered my question. Steve was one of my closest friends, and I hated seeing him upset.

"Come here." I said, giving him a hug. I let go after a while, and Steve looked at me.

"Are you?" he asked.

"Of course I'm not okay. My best friend is alive but missing, all of my other friends are scattered everywhere moving on with their lives, but I can't seem to. That's why I'm here."

"That makes two of us. I-I just feel like it's my fault. All of it, it's my fault. I could've done more to save them, everyone. Just thinking about all of the families who have been split up because I didn't do enough." A tear rolled down Steve's cheek as he spoke. I pulled him into another hug.

"It's not your fault. None of it is. I feel horrible too, believe me. We tried our best, all of us did. I think we're going to find a way to bring them back. We have to. We will."

"Whatever it takes." Steve said quietly.

"Whatever it takes." I repeated.

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