xii. the baby pt. 1

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(Yet again, I used google for all of these hospital terms and stuff so I have nO clue if they're correct XD)

9 months later...

(March 2019)

Steve's POV:

Natasha was being rushed to the delivery room. She was yelling in pain and it hurt me to see her in pain, but I couldn't help feeling ecstatic for what was coming.

"Will I be able to stay with her?" I asked while running.

"Sure." One of the nurses said.

"Thank you."

I waited in the room with Natasha for a few hours before the baby came. When it was time, I went next to the hospital bed and held Nat's hand while the doctors and nurses yelled at her to push. Natasha was clearly in pain, and I wanted to try and comfort her, but I don't think there was anything I could do to make her more comfortable.

"One more, come on! You can do it!" the doctors and nurses yelled. Natasha yelled and then the room went quiet. Suddenly, a loud crying filled my ears. It might've been the most amazing thing I've heard. The doctors cleaned up the baby and wrapped it in a blanket and handed it to Natasha.

"Congratulations. It's a girl."

Nat's POV:

She was so small. She had stopped crying now, and she looked at me with her beautiful eyes. It made my heart melt.

"She's beautiful." I said.

"Yeah, she is. Like you." Steve said. I looked up at him, smiling.

Our daughter was a perfect mix of Steve and I, with my red hair and Steve's amazing blue eyes.

         A nurse re-entered the room

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A nurse re-entered the room.

"Any idea what to name her?" the nurse asked.

I looked back up at Steve. He shrugged and pointed at me, implying that I should choose. I looked at my daughter.

"Her name is..."

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