x. one day

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June 2018

Steve's POV:

I was at the bar with Tony and Rhodey, while Nat and Pepper were on the couch behind us.

"I'm making drinks for us. Cap, you want something?" Tony asked.

"Sure. You know, you don't have to call me 'Cap' outside of work." I said.

"You want me to use one of your nicknames?"

"No, thank you." I said laughing.

"Not giving me much to work with here."

"Just use Steve."


He continued making the drinks.

"You and Nat make a cute couple." Rhodey said.

"I hate to say it, but you do." Tony interrupted.

"Are you guys ever going to think about having kids?" Rhodey asked.

"Probably not. Natasha...she can't. It was a part of her 'graduation ceremony' in the Red Room. All of them go through it I think. They take away their abilities to care about anything except their missions."

"Wow. That's..."

"Bad, I know."

"Would you adopt?"

"Well, maybe. We haven't talked about it since we just got married...today."

"Your relationship has been moving pretty quickly." Tony interrupted again. I rolled my eyes.

"What about you and Pepper? Are you guys thinking of having kids yet?"

"Well...actually, we did. Pepper's one-month in."

"That's great, Tony. Congrats." I said, smiling. Rhodey spit out his drink.

"WHAT?!" he yelled. Natasha and Pepper looked over at us. Natasha made a What's going on? face and I shrugged. They turned around and went back to their conversation.

"Oh, that's right...I didn't tell you yet." Tony said, making a face.

"I...I'm done. Thank you and goodnight!" Rhodey said, falling on the couch. Tony and I laughed and went to join the others on the couch. I sat by Natasha and put my arm around her. Tony did the same with Pepper.

"Pepper, you told Nat right?" Tony asked.

"Yes, I did. And Nat, we'd like you to be the godmother."

"Really?" Natasha gave Pepper and Tony a huge smile. "This is a very good day for me! I got married, I'm going to be a godmother, what's next?" This was the most positive I've seen Natasha.

"Who's the godfather?" I asked.

"Uh...it's a toss-up between Rhodey, Happy, and you." Tony said.

"Me? Wow, Tony, that means a lot."

"Haha...um...best friend over here." Rhodey said.

"That is true...Also, Steve, you're probably my godfather."

Everyone laughed.

Nat's POV:

It was around midnight. Everyone left, and I was too lazy to walk back to our room. Steve put a pillow on his lap for me to lay on.

"Are you sure you won't be uncomfortable sitting up?" I asked.

"No, it's okay." He said. He sounded like he was frustrated about something.

"Is everything okay Steve?"

"When we were at the bar, Tony and I were talking about our relationship."

"Steve, we just got married today. If you want to leave me to be with Tony, you'll have to wait a while." I said. Steve chuckled. "Sorry. Anyway, go on."

"Rhodey asked if we were going to have kids one day."

"Did you tell him why that can't happen?"

"Yes, I did. He asked if we would adopt as an alternative."

"Okay. What's the part that's upsetting you?"

"I'm not upset. Just thinking."


"A family. Our family."

"You want one?"

"That's one thing I've always wanted."

"Me too."

 "Would you...do you want to try at least? Maybe something went wrong..."

"It's highly unlikely that anything went wrong. We could try I guess, but don't get your hopes up."

"I can't promise that."


I tried to tell myself to not get my hopes up, but it was no use. My hopes were up. Maybe it was like Steve said, maybe something went wrong with the ceremony and I'm still able to have kids. Maybe we could be a family. One day.

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