iv. sway

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I love this chapter so much!! Ugh they're so cute 😊 I hope you like it as much as I do

May 2018

Steve's POV:

The next day, I found Natasha curled in a blanket on the couch, watching whatever tv channels were available. I sat down next to her and she smiled at me.

"So, uh, Nat. I found a restaurant that is still open. I was wondering if...I was wondering if you want to go with me for dinner later?"

"Yeah, that sounds nice." She said, still smiling. "Do you think we could invite the others that may not be busy like Tony, Pepper and Rhodey? I think he said he was in town, but those three must be feeling cooped up in their houses too. I'm sure they want a night to forget it all."

"Uh, yeah, sure. Have you even heard from Tony?" I asked, trying to not make it obvious that the 'date' was meant for the two of us. It was hard to hide my disappointment.

"No, but Pepper and I keep in touch sometimes. I might be able to reach her, and I talk to Rhodey pretty often for updates on Clint."

"Right. How does 7:30 sound?"

"Good. I'll call them now."

It was almost 7:00. I was ready to leave so I stood in the living room, waiting on Natasha. The restaurant wasn't that far away, it was about 15 minutes or so. I suddenly heard heels clicking up the stairs. It was Natasha. She stood right on the top of the steps, wearing a black cocktail dress with a deep V-neck, flared skirt and black heels. She wore a little makeup too, some dark eye makeup and bright red lipstick. She somehow managed to tie her short blonde hair into a bun, which was unusual for Natasha, but it suited her. I stood staring at her for maybe too long before I managed to blurt out what kept repeating in my head.

"Wow. You...you look beautiful." I said. Natasha walked up close to me and stopped inches away from my chest.

"You don't look so bad yourself, Rogers." She said, and we lingered there for a moment before she stepped back a little. We took the elevator down to the garage, where Tony kept cars for us.

We were the first ones at the restaurant, and when we walked in I realized some of the only ones. We sat down at a booth in the corner, when Natasha noticed Pepper and Tony walk in, Rhodey following shortly after. She greeted all of them with a hug, and so did I, which mean I guess I patched things up with Tony, at least temporarily. The conversation at the table started up pretty quickly, everyone saying what was going on and how everything was going.

The food came pretty quickly when we ordered. All of us ate pretty quickly. They started playing slow-dance music for anyone who wanted to dance, which brought me back to my own past. We all ordered drinks, even me, but I just ordered one for fun. Natasha went to the bar to get them. Pepper dragged Tony up to the dance floor and they started dancing.

"You need to ask her to dance." Rhodey said.

"Who? Natasha? No, I-I don't dance." I said.

"Doesn't matter. You need to ask her."


"I see the way you look at her." He said. "Was I that obvious?" I wondered. Natasha returned to the table holding 5 glasses. The three of us drank some, before I noticed Rhodey acknowledging for me to ask Natasha to dance. I was about to until Pepper came running back to the table. She and Natasha stood at the corner of the dance floor, having a conversation.

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