xviii. unexpected

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May 11th

Steve's POV:

"We should tell her. About the Avengers and all, and who we are. She'll find out eventually." I said.

"I agree, we should tell her. She knows that we go to work but she has no idea what work we actually do. Should we just tell her?" Natasha replied.

"No, I have somewhere we can go." I said, thinking about the 'Captain America' exhibit at the museum I visited years ago.

We got in the car and drove to the museum. Apparently they had also opened an Avengers exhibit, which was perfect, considering Natasha and the rest of our friends fell in that area. We first walked around the Avengers exhibit. Emma was holding Nat's hand.

"Mommy, that looks like Uncle Tony." Emma said.

"It is Uncle Tony, baby. All of your aunts, uncles, cousins. We're all Avengers." Nat said, smiling.

"REALLY?!" Emma said excitedly, clapping her hands. "Where are you?"

"Me and your dad are riiiight.....here. In this section." 

"Wow! Mommy you look cool." Emma said, sucking her thumb. 

"What about daddy?" Natasha asked playfully. Of course the picture they showed was the one of the first time the Avengers fought together, against Loki. My suit wasn't as nice back then. Emma giggled.

"Daddy looks silly." she laughed. Natasha gave me a wide grin, then crouched down next to Emma, whispering in her ear.

"I think so too." Natasha whispered. Emma laughed again. It was the most beautiful thing, seeing Natasha and Emma smile. My two favorite people in the world. We walked over to my personal exhibit. Emma ran over to me and grabbed my hand. Natasha went and walked around.

"Is this all for you?" she asked.

"Yeah, it is. Well, me and your Uncle Bucky."

"Cool! I wanna be like you and mommy some day." 


"Yeah." Emma said, and turned to head back to where Natasha was. I was focused on a part of the exhibit, and didn't see Emma walk away. The exhibit was particularly crowded today, and I didn't see. No one did. All I saw when I heard the screams was some guy holding Emma and trying to go out of the building with her. He was headed towards the escalator, which led to the upstairs exit. I was busy looking for Natasha, but all I saw was a blur as she chased after the man. I grabbed my old shield from the display, as I would be needing it.

Nat's POV:

I decided to not kill the man on the escalator, so I followed him up. I was only a step below him, and he was holding Emma's hand. When the man wasn't looking I held a finger to my lips, telling Emma to stay quiet until I could deal with this asshole. 

"Cute kid." I said.

"Yeah, she is. Takes after her mother, who unfortunately, isn't with us anymore." the man said, clearly checking me out. We were nearing the top of the escalator. Once we reached the top, he stepped aside, and so did I.

 "Funny you say that." I said.

 "Why's that?" 

"I think her mother's fine. Actually, she's perfect. Besides the fact that you just took her daughter." I kicked him, which made him let go of Emma. I told her to sit at the wall behind me. The man winced in pain.

"You're her...you're her mo-?"

"That's right. You might wanna think first before kidnapping the Black Widow's daughter." I gave him a smile then began to fight him, kicking, punching, whatever methods I knew. This guy was pretty good at fighting, not that I wasn't better, but I was weak from our big battle a few weeks ago, and I was worried about Emma. Right when I turned around to make sure she was okay, the man kicked me and I fell. He was about to punch me when Steve came in, throwing an old  version of his shield at the man, knocking him unconscious. Steve walked over to the man.

"Black Widow and Captain America's daughter? Bad choice son." Steve helped me up, and we rushed to Emma's side. She was in tears, very scared. She jumped on Steve.

"Hey, baby it's okay." he said, squatting down and holding Emma. I sat next to them. I looked around, seeing that there was a crowd around us, taking pictures. I turned to look behind me, and I saw that mall security was taking care of the man who attempted kidnapping not one, but two Avengers' daughter. Steve stood up, still holding Emma, and he handed his shield to me. I went downstairs to put it away, and came back up. People were crowding around Steve, talking to him.

"Aw, you and your daughter are so cute together," one person said.

"I never expected you and Black Widow to end up together, but you guys make a great couple," another chimed in.

"Captain America? I thought you were going to end up with someone else," someone else said.

We walked out of the museum with people following us, asking questions and telling us how unexpected but cute we were. I just drowned them out, still worried about Emma, although she was right here.

Steve's POV:

Emma's tears were making my shirt damp, which broke my heart. I hated seeing my daughter sad, especially when Emma was always a very happy kid. Once we got to the car, I put Emma in the backseat, and Nat and I sat up front. We were driving back when I heard a giggle from the back.

"What happened Emma?" Nat asked.

"I thought of Daddy in his suit. It looks like blue pajamas." Emma laughed. Natasha exploded into laughter. 

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