xiii. the baby pt. 2

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Nat's POV:

"Her name is ...Emma. Emma...Margaret Rogers. Emma Margaret Rogers." I said, looking at Steve. He smiled and nodded. I watched as the nurse scribbled down Emma's name.

"That should be all, thank you. You'll have to stay here for about two days just to make sure everything is going well for you and the baby." The nurse said.

"Ok." I said. I handed Emma to Steve, who looked overjoyed while carrying her.

"Margaret...did you name her after...uh...Peggy?" Steve asked, not breaking his gaze on Emma.

"Yes, actually." Steve looked at me.


"I've been thinking about her name for a while, and I always knew it would be Emma if she was a girl. As for Margaret, well, Peggy was one of your closest friends, and I wanted to name her after one of your friends." Steve nodded and looked back at Emma.

"What about the godparents?" he asked.

"I was thinking Laura as the godmother."

"Ok. Either Sam or Bucky as the godfather. It's a hard choice, but Bucky's been there for me my whole life, so Bucky."

"That's settled then. Anything else?"

"No, you should get some rest, Nat. You've had a long day." He looked at me tenderly. "You too." He said to Emma, who was already asleep. Steve put Emma in the little bed next to mine. He went to sit in the guest chairs.



"Sleep here if you want."

"No, no, you need to sleep."

"I sleep better when you're here."


He laid down next to me, and I fell asleep on his shoulder.

Steve's POV:

It took me a while to fall asleep. I was of course comfortable with Natasha here, but there's just a lot happening right now. I'm so happy about Emma, I love her and Natasha more than anything in the world. But there was something else that I hadn't told Nat yet. During her pregnancy, a few hours every day I had a job. I was trying to save up money to buy us a house. I knew with the baby we couldn't live in the Avengers compound, so I decided to get us a house. It was pretty cheap, considering the world's condition right now. It has 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, and a big backyard facing a lake. You can see the city in the distance. It's about 30 minutes from the compound and 15 minutes from Tony's. I thought since our kids were one month apart that they would want to play together when they got old enough. I've already bought all of the furniture and moved all of our things into the house. Tony even let me keep one of the cars he left at the compound. Now all I have to do is take Nat and Emma there when they are able to leave.

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