xxi. don't leave me

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Steve's POV:

I woke up this morning to the sound of my phone ringing. I groaned before rolling over to pick it up, trying not to wake Natasha. I grabbed my phone and saw a name.

Maria Hill 

"Hey, Maria. What's happening?" 

"We need you, Natasha, and Bucky to go on a mission. There's another alien attack. I'm sending you a location and your flight leaves tonight. See you later, Cap."


I turned around to face Natasha. Her back was facing me, so I put my hand on her shoulder.

"Natasha. Nat, we gotta go." She groaned and turned to face me.


"Hill called. We have a mission. You, me, and Bucky. We need to be on a plane tonight."

"Okay. Lemme get ready." Natasha slowly rolled out of bed, and so did I. While she was getting ready, I went to the kitchen to find Bucky already awake. 

"Hey man. We have a mission later." I said.

"Yeah, I know. They called." he replied. Wanda walked in the kitchen.

"I can take care of Emma while you're gone, if you want." Wanda said, grabbing a coffee mug.

"Thank you. But are you sure?" I asked.

"Yes, of course. It's no problem." 


Nat's POV:

We checked into the hotel near the fight at around 8pm. Steve and I dropped our bags on the floor. I changed into my suit, so did Steve, then we met Bucky in the lobby. 

"You ready?" Steve asked.

"Yeah." Bucky said. I nodded. We walked outside and to the street where the attack was happening. There weren't many people around because of the aliens. When we got there I saw about 30 heavily armed creatures, and one heavily armed giant creature who seemed to be waiting for us. 

"Avengers." A creature said. "We did not think that you would come."

"Well, here we are." Bucky said. 

"And so few of you. We thought that after your last battle with Thanos that you would not return." 

"Who are you, and what do you want?" Steve asked, getting frustrated.

"We are the Undarians. All we want is the same as everyone else. To take Earth as our own. We thought that would be easy considering there were half of you, but we found out you had reversed it while we were on our way here."

"And you're still trying to fight us?" I asked. 

"There are only three of you stopping us from taking over this...small little planet."

"For now." I added.

"You are no match for us."

"No. You are no match for us." I said. We began fighting, killing them quickly. That is, until the giant one joined the fight. The fight had been going on for about 15 minutes, and all of the normal-sized aliens were dead. All of our force and energy was now going towards stopping the giant alien.

Bucky's POV:

The fight was going normally, us taking the giant down slowly. Until I looked over at Steve. I saw an alien get up and stagger towards him, holding a spear. He didn't notice, because he was preoccupied fighting the giant.

"NATASHA!" I yelled, because I was too far away to help Steve. She looked at me, and I motioned towards Steve.

"STEEEVE!" she screamed. He didn't hear her. "STEVE!" she screamed again, the alien getting closer to him. Natasha looked at Steve, and saw the alien. She tossed a baton at it, but by then it was too late. Steve fell to the ground. Natasha and I killed the giant alien, then ran towards Steve.

Nat's POV:

"Steve. Steve. Come on, you gotta wake up." Nothing. "Steve, wake up. Come on. You said you'd never leave me, so don't. Don't leave." my voice started to break. I checked his wound. It was bad.

"Bucky, we need..we need to get him to a hospital." Bucky pulled out his phone and dialed 911. 

"Yes, hello? We need assistance on..." he kept talking but I couldn't hear anything. Nothing except for the wind blowing. Bucky and I waited for about 10 minutes before I heard the sirens. Everything was blurred in my ears. 

"Nat. Natasha. Let go, they have to take him. Come on." a man said, his voice was distorted. I stayed where I was until I felt someone pull me up. 

"We're gonna get you back to the hotel, okay?" the man said, helping me walk. I guessed it was Bucky.


Nat's POV (continued):

When we got back to the hotel, I took a shower. The sound of the water drowned out all of the horrible thoughts running through my mind.  I got dressed, then I heard a knock on the door. I opened it, and there was Bucky. 

"Hi, you feeling better?" he asked. I didn't respond. "Can I come in?" I nodded, letting him in. We sat on the bed. "You okay, Nat?" he asked. I finally wound up the courage to speak.

"No. What if he doesn't make it, Bucky? It would've been my fault, I could've saved him if I tried, and Emma. What am I supposed to tell Emma?" my voice was breaking.

"Steve's not dead, Nat."

"You don't know that. The doctors didn't say anything before they drove away."

"Steve is strong, Natasha. He has a better chance to survive that kind of wound more than everyone else."

"I just, I don't wanna lose him." I cried. Bucky let me lay on his shoulder.

*sorry about that for those of you who read it before I edited it, I left my chapter description at the top...oOpS*

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