xx. keep me company

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Nat's POV:

"Yes, I am. I'm pregnant! I'm so excited!" Wanda squealed.

"That's amazing! And the father is...Bucky right?"

"Of course, who else would it be?"

"Just making sure, there's a lot of information I'm processing. When are you telling Steve and Emma?"

"How about I tell them now? I'm six months pregnant, can't hide it with big jackets anymore. The pancakes are ready, by the way." 

"I got it." I said, bringing the plate to the dining table. I quickly concealed my excited emotions and waited for Wanda to say the news. 

Wanda's POV:

I'm a little scared to tell Steve. Bucky knows of course, and now so does Nat, but Steve, he's like a big brother to me. And Bucky being his best friend, I'm not sure how he would feel about it. I don't want him to hate either of us forever. What am I thinking? Steve wouldn't do that. I'd like to think Nat would kick him or something if he did, though. I walked to the dining room and stood in the doorway. 

"Can I have your attention?" I asked. Bucky, Steve, and Natasha looked up and smiled at me, Emma shoved another piece of pancake in her mouth then looked up. 

"I have an announcement to make, and a few of you already know what I'm going to say." I winked at Bucky, and he nodded.

"I'm...I'm pregnant." Natasha and Bucky grinned, already knowing the news, and Steve smiled, looking a bit confused. 

"Since when? And who?" Steve asked.

Steve's POV:

I was legitimately confused. Wanda and Vision were a couple last time I checked. After Vision died, did Wanda move on that quickly? I saw Bucky smiling across the table. He and Natasha were probably the ones that already knew. Why would Bucky know?  Since when were Bucky and Wanda close?....Oh no. Unless...

"Since December. And Bucky." Wanda answered. Bucky and Natasha turned to look at me. I must've looked scared, or angry. I was quite the opposite actually.

"That's great, you guys. I'm happy for you." I said, smiling. Bucky and Wanda gave sighs of relief.

Later that night...

Nat's POV:

Steve and I woke up to the sound of footsteps in the hallway. I assumed it was Emma, going to the bathroom or something, but she didn't open the bathroom door, which was next to our room. 

"Why is she going into Wanda and Bucky's room?" I asked.

"Not sure. But unless you want to find out, I'm going to sleep. Goodnight." Steve said, kissing the top of my head.

"It's fine. Goodnight, Steve." 

Wanda's POV: 

I woke up in the middle of the night to the sound of my door opening. At first, I saw nothing, but then I saw a head of red curls. 

"Emma?" I whispered. Emma walked up to me, sucking her thumb. She looked up at me with her big blue eyes.

"Hiii, honey. Is everything okay?" I asked her. Bucky was asleep in the other bed, and I didn't want to wake him. Emma nodded and opened her arms, which was my cue to pick her up. I tried my best, being 6 months pregnant, it's not easy to pick up a five year old. I sat up in bed and Emma crawled to sit next to me. 

"I wanna know what pwegnant means. Eveeone was saying it and I dunno what it means." Emma said. 

"It means I have a baby in my belly. See?" I pointed at my stomach. Emma put her small hand on it and patted my stomach a few times.

"How does the baby get out? I think it's stuck in there." Emma said.

"When it's time for the baby to come, I go to the doctor's, and they help the baby come out."

"Ok. When's it coming?" 

"In August." I said, smiling at Emma. 

"Can I stay here?" Emma asked. 

"Of course. You can keep me company." I tucked the little girl in next to me, and she fell asleep curled up, sucking her thumb. I smiled then fell asleep myself.

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