xix. questions

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Nat's POV:

I woke up partly laying on Steve's chest. He was still asleep, so I didn't move, not trying to wake him. I moved slightly to kiss his cheek, but he woke up when I did that. Steve, with his eyes still closed, smiled. 

"Good morning." he said.

"Morning." I said. I enjoyed mornings where we could wake up like this, not stressed, not worried about Emma, no chaos with Wanda and Bucky...speaking of I needed to talk to Wanda, I noticed something about her. Steve interrupted my thoughts.

"How are you, Mrs. Rogers?" he asked with a grin.

"I'm good, Mr. Rogers. And you?"

"I'm okay, but I'm a little worried about Emma. Y'know with, with the mall yesterday."

"I do know." I said, and Steve chuckled.

"I just-don't want it to happen again. I don't want her to be scared of going out."

"Don't worry, it won't happen again. And if it does, we can stop it. You know that."

"I know, but what happens when we can't fight for her anymore?"

"By then she'll be able to fight for herself. You heard Emma. 'She wants to be like us, Avengers.'"

Steve nodded and kissed the top of my head. 

Steve's POV:

I began to close my eyes again when something hit me in the stomach. I blinked my eyes open and saw my curly red-haired, big blue-eyed daughter smiling at me. 

"Guhmorning!" Emma exclaimed. Natasha and I grinned at her.

"Morning, Emma." we said.

"I havva question." Emma said.

"Shoot." Nat replied.

"Can you tell me about being supehewroes and Aveng-es?" Emma asked. I love it when she talks and she can't quite say the word, but she tries her best. 

"Well, I took a special serum that made me stronger, and I have a shield to protect me-and mommy

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"Well, I took a special serum that made me stronger, and I have a shield to protect me-and mommy..." Natasha gave me a look. "...if she needs it....which she usually doesn't." Natasha giggled. She liked making me nervous. One day I'll get her back for it...one day.

"What's a serum?" Emma asked.

"It's a special, uh...juice...that the scientist put inside me to be stronger." Emma nodded then looked at Natasha.

"Well, I got a serum like daddy, and I practiced a lot, so I'm good at fighting. I can also use a lot of different weapons."

"Can I see?" Emma asked.

"Sorry honey, not now. They're dangerous and I don't want you to get hurt." Nat replied, and Emma looked disappointed, but only for a second.

"Auntie Wanda made pancakes!" Emma exclaimed then jumped off our bed and ran to the kitchen. One of the perks of having Wanda and Bucky stay at our place was the fact that Wanda can cook. Natasha and I never learned how, so at least our stove will come to use now. 

After Emma left, Nat and I exchanged looks, then got out of bed. As Emma said, Wanda was in the kitchen making pancakes. Bucky was drinking a cup of coffee, and Emma was sitting on the stool next to him. 

"Morning!" Wanda said as she flipped a pancake. Bucky took a sip of coffee and nodded at us.

"Morning guys." we said. Nat went to talk to Wanda, and I sat with Bucky and Emma at the dining table.

Nat's POV:

"Hey, I wanted to ask you something." I said.

"I have a feeling I know what it is, but go ahead." Wanda said smiling. She looked back at the stove while I talked.

"You came back from the soul stone looking a bit different than usual...dressing differently, acting slightly different, especially you and Bucky...this isn't the question, but is there something between you guys?"

"Keep this between us for now, okay?" Wanda asked.

"Of course."

"Yes, there is...or was something between Bucky and I when we were stuck there together. He was very sweet to me, and he was there for me when I first lost Vis. We did a lot of talking while we were there, I guess we "dated" for a while, and at one point things got serious. Very serious. We have a lot in common, and we bring out some kind of happiness in one another. It's nice, actually."

"That's great to hear, Wanda. Steve and I have wanted you two to find someone special for a long time."

"I had Vision." 

"You two, I just...it didn't work. Something didn't click when you were together." Wanda shrugged. 

"So what was your real question, then?"

"Are you pregnant?" I whispered. 

To be continued...

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