v. alone together

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May 2018

Nat's POV:

It was 10am. I'd been lying in bed thinking for two hours now. This whole Steve thing was messing with my mind. I love him, that's for sure. I've never been taught to love; do I really know what it feels like? I don't deserve him, he's too good a person. Should I take the risk and try to be more than what we are? I really want to, and according to the others' reaction to us dancing, he feels the same. If we feel the same, then it's just nerves. All of it is just nerves. I want to do this; I want to be with him. I got out of bed and went to the bathroom to get ready. I put on a snug grey shirt, black jean shorts, and fluffy socks. It was rainy outside, and it seemed like a nice day to just curl up and watch movies. I should probably ask Steve to join me, so we can spend more time alone together. I ran into him in the kitchen when I went to make some tea.

"Morning." Steve said with that cute little smile he does.

"Morning." I said, returning the smile. "Hey, uh, since the weather is so crappy today I was thinking about just sitting on the couch and watching some movies. Care to join me?" I smirked at him.

"Yeah, sounds nice. What movies?"

"Only the good ones."

Steve chuckled. "Okay."

We sat on the couch, at first on opposite ends. I handed him a cup of tea.

"Thanks." He said.

"Sure." I responded. I grabbed the remote and started searching for good movies I'd seen.

"How about this one?" I asked.

"Um...this looks familiar. Ohh, right. I've seen it. Sorry."

"No need to apologize Rogers. Let's start here. What haven't you seen?"

"Uhh, let's see..." Steve went on and on listing movies he'd heard were good and never saw. Fortunately for him, I'd seen most of those movies and we planned to watch 5 of them today.

I stayed awake for 3.

Steve's POV:

Somewhere in the middle of the 4th movie Natasha scooted next to me and fell asleep with her head rested on my shoulder. She looked so peaceful and fragile when she was asleep, when she was far from it. Around the beginning of the last movie we watched, she got up for a few minutes, then fell asleep again for the rest of the movie. I continued watching until it was finished. It was around 9:30 when the movie finished. I didn't want to wake up Nat, so I carried her to her room and tucked her in. She stirred only slightly. I smiled at her then bent down to kiss her forehead.

"Goodnight Natasha." I said, quietly so I wouldn't wake her. I went to bed thinking about her and I found myself smiling as I drifted off...

Thank you all SOOO much for reading this so far, I didn't think anyone would read it, so I really appreciate it! I will try to post new chapters as quickly as I can. Thank you all again so much! 

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