xvii. after the war

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Sometime in 2023....

Steve's POV: 

We were on our way home from the war. After 5 years, we figured out how to bring back half of the universe. Everyone went back home, except Bucky and Wanda who needed a place to stay, so we let them stay in our guest house. They were going to meet their 'niece' for the first time. Happy had been taking care of Emma and Morgan while Tony, Pepper, Nat and I were out fighting. We let him know to drop Emma off at home since we're heading back now.

I unlocked the door and walked in.

"Emma, honey? We're back." I said. It was quiet in the house until I saw my daughter's red braid fly behind her as she ran towards us. 

"MOMMY! DADDY! YOU'RE BACK!!" Emma squealed. She jumped on me and gave me a big hug. I kissed the top of her head, then put her down. She then jumped on Natasha, hugging her. 

"Hi, sweetie." Natasha said, smiling. Wanda and Bucky then walked in. Natasha put Emma down, and she grabbed onto my leg. 

"Daddy, who's that?" Emma asked, holding on to my leg. 

"That's your Aunt Wanda and Uncle Bucky." Nat said.

"Hi." Bucky said, crouching down and holding out a hand to Emma. Emma let go of my leg and shook it.

"Hello." Emma said. 

"It's nice to meet you. Your mom and dad told me a lot about you."

"How do you know mommy and daddy?"

"I've been friends with your dad since we were just a little bit older than you."

"Wow." Emma said, smiling at Bucky. Bucky stood up and Natasha showed him around the house.

"Hi, Emma." Wanda said, smiling.


"Aw, you're so pretty, just like your mom." Wanda said.

"Thank you." I pointed in the direction Wanda had to go to get to her room. Emma gave me another hug. I went to go take a shower. 

Nat's POV:

 I showed Wanda and Bucky to their room, which they were sharing. We had only one guest bedroom, but two beds so they should be okay. Besides, Wanda was telling me that she and Bucky got to be pretty close friends while stuck in the soul stone. I could see this going somewhere...

I'm really happy to be home. Even though it's only been about a week, I missed Emma so much. It's crazy how it feels like just yesterday when we brought Emma home. What they say is true, they do grow up quickly.

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