xiv. home

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2 days later...

March 2019

Steve's POV:

The hospital let Emma and Natasha go. We got Emma in her carseat, but Natasha didn't want to leave her by herself in the backseat, so she held Emma in her carseat instead. It was around 6pm, and we had a 30 minute drive. I started driving to our house since we wouldn't need to go to the compound anymore, unless we had to work. I was hoping Natasha wouldn't notice we were driving in the wrong direction, but knowing Natasha...

"Um, Steve? I don't want to question your driving skills, but we're going in the wrong direction. The compound is the other way." She said.

"I know." I said, smiling.

"What?" she asked.

"You'll see."

"You're scaring me." She said playfully.

"Don't worry. Just hang on."

We drove the rest of the way then I pulled into the driveway. Natasha got out of the car, putting Emma in a stroller.

"Steve, where are we?"

I unlocked the front door.


Nat's POV:

The house was beautiful. Very simple house, nothing much, but the fact that Steve worked for almost a year just to buy it makes it so much nicer than it already is. We walked inside, and Steve gave me a tour.

"So here's the foyer, um, it's nothing much but it doesn't have to be...oh yeah come on." he led me down a hallway to the right, all the way to the end. He opened a door. "This is Emma's room." The walls were navy blue, and there was a crib, night light, and anything else a baby would need.

"It's great, Steve." I said as I put sleepy Emma in her crib. We walked out of the room and opened the door of the room next to Emma's.

"Here's the guest room if friends want to stay over..." next door. "The guest/Emma's bathroom..." across the hall "Our room and bathroom..." back into the foyer then straight ahead from the front door "The kitchen to your left, and the living/dining room." The living/dining room was big, with an L-shaped couch and big TV, and a dining table.

"Steve, neither of us cook." I said.

"I know, but...I could learn if you want."

He was too sweet sometimes.

"And last but not least, the backyard." We opened the door in the living room leading to the yard. We had a small patio with some chairs and a firepit, and the rest was grassy. Our house sat on a small hill, and if you walked down the slope there was a lake. You could see the city in the distance. It was almost completely dark now, and we stood by the lake in the sunset. Steve's eyes looked brighter in this light.

"I know it's not much, but it's all I could ge-" he began.

"What do you mean? It's perfect."

I kissed him in the sunset, feeling something that I'd felt a lot lately.


(yeah i know a bit cliché but deal with it bc i thought it was good for the moment...🥴 anyways I'll post again on Thursday, and if you're wondering about all these time jumps...Ik they're annoying but I will probably keep doing them because I don't wanna go day by day of them doing the same thing over and over so I try to keep it interesting this way. I'm sure half if not all of you have fallen asleep by the end of my speech here so I'll shut up now) 

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