xxiii. safe

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Wanda's POV:

We were all sitting on the couch, watching tv. It was getting closer and closer to our baby's due date, and I was getting really excited. I hadn't been this happy...I think, ever.

"I wonder if I should get a haircut." Bucky said. I ran my hand through his hair.

"Like the old times, Buck?" Steve asked, smiling.

"Yeah." Bucky smiled.

"I can do it!" I chimed in. 

"I can help too, considering, Wanda, your...situation." Natasha laughed.

"Ok! Go grab some scissors, and we can start!" Wanda slowly rose from the couch. Natasha grabbed some scissors and returned. Steve, Emma, you tell us if it looks good.

"Alright." Steve, said, laughing.

"Okay!" Emma squealed, cheering.

~30 minutes later~

"How does it look?!" I asked.

"Good." Steve said. Emma was sitting next to him, his arm was around her. 

"Yeah, Uncle Bucky looks pretty!" Emma said, Steve turned to talk to her, laughing. Bucky got up to go look in the mirror. He came back, smiling.

"It looks great, guys, thank you." he kissed me on the cheek and gave Natasha a hug. We all sat back down on the couch and turned on a movie.


That night...

 Nat's POV:

I rest my head on Steve's chest, and he put his arm around me. It was stormy tonight, the thunder crashing outside the window. The lightning lit up our whole room. 

"Big storm tonight." Steve said.

"Yeah, but I like the rain. It's peaceful." 

"Really?" he turned his head towards me. The thunder crashed again. I heard a door creak and footsteps running. Then, Emma, crying and sucking her thumb, opened our door. Steve immediately sat up, so did I.

"Can I stay witf you?" Emma said, her voice broken.

"Of course, honey. Come here." Steve said softly. Emma climbed onto our bed and sat in-between us. She sniffled.

Steve's POV:

"What's wrong?" Nat asked, combing Emma's curls with her fingers.

"The thunderw is vewy loud and scawy." 

"Aww, it's okay baby, the thunder won't hurt you. You're safe, okay?" Nat said, hugging Emma. "Here's a pillow, why don't you try to sleep, okay? We're right here." 

"Oh-kay." Emma put her thumb back in her mouth and laid on the pillow, next to Natasha. Natasha laid down also, and eventually so did I. Nat still had her arm around Emma, as if she was protecting her. I made sure they were both asleep before falling asleep myself, the thunderstorm fading away as I closed my eyes.

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