|Chapter 5|

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Natalie Pierce

"There, all nice and straight, tal como te gusta." Alena spoke, straightening the last bit of my hair.

"Gracias hermana." I smiled at her hugging her tightly. I got up from the stool and ushered Alena out of my room so I could change into my dress for tonight's party.

It was red and had some red embroidery on it with a type of shawl attached in which I could loop my arms through. It hugged all of my curves which I would've normally hated but this dress actually made me feel confident about myself.

Alena came back into my room and helped me with my makeup which was again not too much. A rose coloured lipstick , some eyeliner and mascara, and blush was all I needed. Alena forced me to wear hoop earrings which I was sure I was going to end up taking off before the food was served tonight. I wasn't a big fan of jewellery. I finished my look off with some strappy sliver heels. Nothing special since my dress covered up my feet anyways.

On the way to the venue, I fiddled with my engagement ring throughout the entire car ride. It was a beautiful ring and simple too which is what I loved about it. Plus it was rose gold. Mine and Shawn's parents had told us that we were not supposed to let the public know that our marriage was arranged. We had to appear as though we had been dating for atleast 4 years now and were in love. I had quickly shut down the idea of any kissing involved and they'd agreed rather hesitantly.

Shawn was supposed to meet me outside the venue so we could go in together. Shawn's parents were to go inside first, then mine, and then Shawn and I, and then Alena. Which I felt sorry about but I'd make sure to stick with her for the rest of the night.

When the car skidded to a stop, the door opened and there stood Shawn, with his hand out for me to hold. I held onto his hand as I held my dress up with the other, and got out of the car. Immediately, cameras flashes blinded me and on instinct, I covered my eyes with my hand. Shawn's arm went around my waist, holding me closer to him.

Together we both walked inside, and I could finally take my hand away from my face.

"You good?" Shawn asked me.

Holy shit his voice just killed me.

"Yeah, thanks." I spoke softly, mildly affected by the sound of his husky voice.

As soon as we reached the table that was reserved for just us and our families, we all sat down. For a while people mingled about, talking here and there. A slow song started to play, and many people started to appear on the dance floor, slow dancing with each other. That included both of our parents.

"Wanna dance?" Shawn asked me.

"Erm, I can't really dance that well." I told him.

"Neither can I, But we can try our best." Shawn shrugged. The two of us got up and made our way to the dance floor.

Shawn grabbed my waist in his huge arms as my arms went to his shoulders. That was a bit of struggle, since he was way taller than I was.

Slowly, the two of us started to dance.

While we danced, Shawn asked me many questions. Like my full name, if I spoke Spanish fluently like my mom, my age, my sister, my hobbies, favourite food, almost everything. It was nice talking to someone other than my sister or Emma, though just slightly awkward.

"You look beautiful." Shawn complimented as his eyes raked up and down my body.

"Uh.. thank you." I blushed. I wasn't used to compliments like these. At all.

The song stopped and everyone went back to their seats. I went back to sit next to Alena who smirked and giggled as I sat down next to her.

"You two looked awfully cosy back there." She teased.

"Oh Cállate." I rolled my eyes.

"I got it all on video." Alena smirked, waving her phone at me. I gasped.

"Eres un pequeño astuto- ugh." I groaned making Alena laugh at my failed attempt to swear.

Soon the food came and then it was time to announce the big announcement. The one reason why this party was held.

Mine and Shawns family including the two of us went up on stage and a mic was handed to Shawn's father.

"Friends, family, fellow colleagues." He started "You all must be wondering why you were gathered here."

A low murmur of 'yes' followed making him chuckle.

"Well, that is because, my son is getting married!" He shouted into the mic which was followed by a huge round of applause and cheering as Shawn and I fake smiled as we were instructed to.

Let me just tell you, Shawn's smile was way too big to be considered fake.

"That's all, enjoy the rest of the night everyone!" He shouted into the mic one last time before all of us exited the stage and went back to our seats.

The night ended with Shawn walking me back to my car and helping me get in. For the cameras, he leaned up and kissed me on the cheek and smiled at me to which I smiled back. We said our goodbyes and he left, closing the car door for me.

I leaned back in my seat as the car started. All through the car ride, the cheek that he had kissed, tingled.


It's 2 am wtf and I need to wake up for school in 5 hours!! Shit


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