Epilogue (Pt. 1)

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3 years later

Natalie Pierce Mendes

"Get up get up get UP!" I squealed bouncing on Shawn's chest.

It was Christmas morning and Shawn was still asleep. Granted, it was 11 am and Shawn loved his sleep. But c'mon it's Christmas.

He groaned in protest, pinning me down on the bed, falling asleep on top of me. I sighed, smiling slightly.

"Shawnnn get up." I heaved, trying to get his heavy-muscled self off of me.

He made no move to get up.

"If you wake up now I'll make out with you for ten m-" I started to whisper in his ear when he fluttered open his eyes and smiled at me.

"That certainly woke ya up didn't it?" I giggled and he nodded shyly.

"Now go brush your teeth and shower and change." I said, patting his cheek. He groaned before walking to the bathroom. I squealed in complete happiness and changed into a red long sleeved sweater, black skirt, black skin tight leggings, and black boots. A green clip held some of my hair away from my face.

Shawn emerged from the bathroom wearing a green shirt and his trademark skinny black jeans. His hair was set into place like it usually is.

"Okay my kiss now." Shawn groaned before pulling me to his chest and kissing the daylights out of me.

"Mm. Now that was a kiss." I spoke breathlessly, pulling away.

"One more." Shawn whined leaning in again.

I put a finger to his lips, "Not now Mendes." I spoke and he groaned.

"And if you wait you might get a little something more tonight." I smirked at him. Shawn rose an eyebrow and grinned widely.

"Fine." He spoke, his grin never going away.

"NOW LETS GO SEE THE PRESENTS!" I screamed running down the stairs. Shawn laughed running after me.

I looked at all the presents under the tree and nearly passed out from squealing too loud.

"Jeez." Shawn laughed.

"When did you finish decorating the tree, I fell asleep last night?" I poured.

"Well after I tucked you in bed I decided to finish it myself." Shawn shrugged with a grin.

"I love it!" I exclaimed before planting a big searing kiss on his lips.

"Okay, ew." Came a voice from behind us. Shawn I turned around to see both our families standing there watching us. I blushed a deep red.

"When did everyone get here?" I asked.

"We have a key, remember?" Aaliyah reminded us.

"Well merry Christmas everyone!"

All of us wished each other a happy Christmas and then proceeded to set up the dining table together for a Christmas breakfast.

A few minutes later Emma shower up with her fiancé. That's right, Emma was getting married soon.

We finished breakfast, cleared up the table and then brought out stuff to make and decorate some sugar cookies. It was around 3 hours later when we all finished and we're all sitting by the fireplace quietly munching on our plate's of cookies.

The adults were talking amongst themselves as usual and Emma, Emma's boyfriend Ben, Aaliyah, Alena, me, and Shawn were all playing monopoly. We made teams of two. Me and Shawn, Emma and Ben, and Aaliyah and Alena.

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