|Chapter 25|

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It was the next day when Shawn Mendes woke up. His blinds were wide open, the sun rays streaking inside the room. Glass of a shattered mirror covered most of the floor, the result of Shawn's anger going to his fist connecting to the mirror.

He groaned in distress and walked to the bathroom. He showered and changed himself before making himself a plain cereal breakfast. He didn't feel like making anything. He didn't feel like doing anything really. But he was a CEO of a company and he had to do his job.

He threw the empty bowl of cereal in the sink and left it unwashed. He picked up his car keys and walked to the front door.

Opening the door he was surprised to see his.. wife sitting there in the stops, soaking from the rain from the night before.

"Nat what the hell are you doing?" He shouted in shock and helped her stand up. She covered her chest with her arms to help herself from shivering from the cold.

"Did you stay out here all night??" Shawn questioned leading her inside the house. Natalie simply nodded in return.

He led her inside the bathroom and handed her some of his boxers and a t-shirt. He started running a hot shower for her, and told her to shower and then they'd talk.

Around 20 minutes later Natalie exited the bathroom, holding her dirty clothes in her hands, a lost look on her face. Shawn told the dirty clothes from her and put them in the washing machine to clean later.

He handed Natalie a mug of warm coffee and covered her with a blanket as she sat down on the couch. She was still shivering. The house was silent.

"What were you thinking?" Shawn spoke sharply, breaking the silence.

"I-I.." Natalie stuttered.

"I mean it's already dangerous outside. It's cold as fuck and you stood there in the rain? Are you crazy?!" Shawn shouted.

"Well what was I supposed to do? You threw me out! I wasn't going to leave you again shawn. I love you." Natalie shouted.

You did it before you could've done it again." Shawn spat.

"But I didn't shawn. I stayed. I stayed for you. Because I love you. And I'm not lying." Natalie spoke

"How do I know you're not lying?" Shawn shrugged.

"Because. If I didn't love you what use would there be for me to stand outside in the rain in this weather the entire night? If I didn't love you I wouldn't be standing here in front of you. If I didn't love you I would've long ago sent you divorce papers. But I love you shawn. Please believe me." Natalie pressed, tearing up again.

Shawn ran a hand through his hair, frustrated.

"I don't know." He cried, tearing up.

"Please shawn. Believe me." Natalie pleaded, holding the Canadians face in her hands.

She pressed a kiss to his forehead. Then to his tear-stained cheeks, kissing away his tears. She kissed around his face as he cried in her arms.

"Please." She muttered.

"You love me." Shawn muttered.

"I love you." Natalie nodded, looking into his eyes.

Shawn reached his tattooed hand up to Natalie's face and held her jaw as he leaned closer until they finally kissed. His soft sweet lips brushed over hers cautiously. Quickly closing the gap between them, his soft lips found hers, only this time it was more than just a whisper of a kiss.

This time he kissed her like he meant it. She parted her lips slightly and ran her tongue over his bottom lip. His mouth opened and his tongue slipped between her lips as her hands found their way to his shoulders before traveling up his neck until they found his thick curls. His large hands were placed firmly on her hips, pulling her closer towards him as their kiss continued. Finally they broke apart to breathe.

"I love you."


"I didn't know you had a guitar." Natalie murmured. It had been a few hours of them just cuddling and basking in each other's presence. "I found it in your room earlier."

"Yeah, back then I aspired to be a singer.. but that didn't work out but I have my music company with me so I'm content." Shawn smiled.

"You know.. I have a guitar as well." Natalie smiled.

"Really?" Shawn's face lit up.

"Yeah I used to play a lot a few months ago.. then I stopped." Natalie shrugged.

"We should play together sometimes Mrs Mendes." Shawn grinned widely.

"We should, Mr Mendes." Natalie smirked. LI love you." She whispered after a while.

"You love me." Shawn nodded.




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