|Chapter 15|

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Natalie Pierce Mendes

It had been a couple weeks since Shawn and I had bonded over friends. We of course talked to each other like best friends now, even though we were married.

Today, was thanksgiving, and since this was mine and Shawn's first house together, our families had decided that we host thanksgiving this year. Now that was a lot of pressure on me. I had literally never cooked before.

"Shawn get up!" I said, throwing a pillow at him. He groaned but didn't wake up.

"Come on I need help!" I whined. He didn't move.

"Shawn swear to god if you don't get up this instant and help me, I will throw tomatoes at-" I started to speak when Shawn sat up straight.

"Okay okay I'm up, just don't bring the devil into this." Shawn grumbled, I chuckle before ruffling his hair.

"Go freshen up and help me, it's thanksgiving, I'll be in the kitchen." I spoke walking out of the room.

A much more awake shawn joined me in the kitchen 10 minutes later. The first thing he did was grab the last muffin out of the fridge and heat it up for himself. He took a large bite out of it making me gasp.

"What?" He spoke with his mouth full.

"Hello? It's the last muffin. You're supposed to share." I answered. His cheeks reddened.

"Sowwy." He spoke, his mouth filled to the brim. I laughed. I grabbed a little bit of the muffin and stuffed it in my mouth.

"You can have the rest." I shrugged and Shawn's face lit up.

When he was done with his muffin, we started to work on preparing the food for tonight. It was already around 3pm in the afternoon since we both had woken up so late so we only had about 3 hours until everyone started to show up and 2 hours to prepare the meals since I needed time to get dressed too.

First we did all of the turkey stuff since it was the main dish. I didn't really understand what was going on and Shawn was doing most of the work because unlike me he knew how to cook. Then, while he made the turkey stuffing and the gravy, he gave me the easiest job he could, mashed potatoes.

He gave me a couple of mashed potatoes, which I first boiled, then peeled the skin, placed them in a bowl and used a potato masher thing to mash them. I literally do not know anything about cooking.

After they were all mashed I seasoned them the way Shawn told me to and then I was done. After that I helped Shawn finish making the gravy and then we made the cranberry suave together.

"Okay we have about an hour left to make the pumpkin pie." Shawn sighed, wiping the sweat off of his forehead.

"Lord, I might faint." I said leaning against the counter.

Shawn gave me all the instructions step by step on how to make the filling of the pie while he worked on the crust. When he'd lined a pan with the dough, we poured the filling mix into it and placed it into the oven.

"And that's that. You go get ready, I'll watch over the pie." Shawn spoke, cooling the temperature a bit on the thermostat.

"Are you sure?" I asked him. He looked tired.

"I'm sure." He smiled.

"Okay." I jumped up to his height, have him a friendly kiss on the cheek and walked to our room to change.

To get rid of the sticky sweat, I showered first and used Shawn's shampoo and conditioner. After I while I'd gotten used to using Shawn's hair products since they made my hair so soft and smooth. Plus, they smelt like him. Wow I sound like a creep.

I dried myself with a towel throughly before changing into light denim jeans, and a black-ish velvet crop top. I brushed through my hair and pinned them at the back, leaving them half up, half down, leaving my bangs out in the front.

I applied some mascara and lipgloss, clasped a bracelet onto my left wrist and put on some silver stilettos. And I was pretty much done.

I walked back down to the kitchen where Shawn was taking the pie out of the oven and placing it onto a rack to cool just a bit.

"You can go get ready now." I spoke up and he looked towards me.

"W-wow. You look great." He spoke, his cheeks reddening again.

I giggled.

"Thanks, now gooo, people will be arriving soon." I said and pushed him up the stairs.

While Shawn was getting ready, I set up the dining table with all the food and the plates and proper cutlery. After I was done, the bell rang.

I walked to the front door and opened it, and in entered Shawn's family along with my family.

I greeted everyone and led them to the living room for the time being.

The bell rung again and I answered the door again to see Emma standing there.

"Ems, yay!" I squealed, hugging my bestfriend. I hadn't seen her in 3 weeks.

"Wow is everyone here?" Emma asked, walking inside. "Where's your hubby?"

"He's upstairs, changing." I said. Emma oh'ed.

She sat down with Alena and they started to converse while I talked to Shawn's parents and Aaliyah. Mine too, of course.

"Uh Mija, where's Shawn?" My mom asked me.

"I don't know, he said he was gonna go change. I'll go check on him." I spoke, and got up. Emma wiggled her eyebrows at me and I rolled my eyes, walking upstairs.

"Shawn..." I called our waking into our room.

I walked into see him laying in our bed, half changed. But Sleeping.

"Shawn!" I scolded him, throwing a pillow at him. He woke up a grumble.

"Our parents are downstairs!" I spoke in a hushed tone.

"Oh.. uh sorry, I don't know how I fell asleep." He mumbled, massaging his head.

"Are you feeling okay?" I asked him, he nodded. I felt his forehead to see he was burning up a bit.

"You've got a little bit of a fever Shawn." I said and he grinned, placing his head in my stomach.

"Could you help me with my shirt please?" He mumbled and now it was my turn to blush.

"A-sure." I spoke, I grabbed the grey t-shirt he was wearing and pulled it up over her head, to reveal the most gorgeous chest if ever laid eyes on.

"You can stare all you want, I am your husband, but our parents are waiting downstairs." Shawn spoke up slyly and I scoffed before helping him wear his Marion button up shirt. I combed through his hair with my fingers, spitz some cologne onto him and lead him downstairs but not before giving him some medicine.


Wowo this was long. Next chapter coming in a few mins.

I'm on a roll tonight.


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