~Chapter 2~

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 I let out a yawn as the car pulled up to a medium size apartment. There were two floors and the colours had a beautiful blend of blue white and yellow. My father got out and went to the trunk to pick up the suitcases and I followed him out of the car and grabbed mine. " Go pick a room" father said as he went and unlocked the door. Nodding I walked up the stairs to the door and walked inside the apartment. It was much smaller than our home, but that wasn't a bad thing. this place seemed cosy.

I walked over the second largest room in the house and I went inside as I set my suitcase down. I could unpack later. Right now I wanted to go out. I walked out of the room and I went down the stairs and went to my mother. " Mom, I was wondering if-" "If you can go out? Go ahead. Just make sure you're here by eight tonight" she said. I smile happily as I nod before dashing out of the apartment. "And remember! No Gems!" she called out. But I ignored her. Like hell, I will!

Smiling I slowed down and began to walk into town. The place seemed cool. Gems were walking alongside humans, having fun. Looking over My stomach growled as I saw a french fry stand. 'Beach Citywalk Fries' what an original name I snickered to myself.

Walking forward I walked over and pulled out my small purse from my pocket. " How much is one medium fry?" "One seventy-five," He said. I nod and smiled " I'll have that then," I asked. The kid behind the counter nodded as he walked off to fill the order. It was weird but cool at the same time. him and who looked like the kid's brother, had their hair cut and dyed to resemble french fries.

" Here you go miss," The younger brother said and I smiled as I paid for them and took the container of freshly made fries. Thanking the boy, I walked off and took a bite of one.

My eyes widen at the taste. These were so good! Smiling, I began to scarf the fries done before I licked my fingers. Walking around and I smiled at the different gems. And in return, they smiled back. They were so nice, I couldn't understand why some hated them.

But as I walked around, a faint sound of someone crying could be heard in the distance. But who was crying? I couldn't see anyone. With a sigh, I was about to give up until I saw a figure up ahead hiding behind a few rocks. Waking forward, I could make out who it was. Or at least what it was.

By the pink colour of her skin and her rounded limbs, I could tell that it was a gem. The gem seemed to have back streak going down their cheeks and she had two dark pink pigtails.

" What am I doing wrong? W-why is this so hard?" She sniffled as she wiped the tears pouring from her eyes. And despite not knowing what had happened to her, I couldn't help but feel bad for her.

"Hello..." I said as I slowly came forward, keeping my voice a bit quieter as I didn't want to scare the poor gem. But despite my attempt to keep the gem calm, she instead looked at me in a bit of fear as she jumped slightly.

" A..Human?" she muttered, quickly calming down as she narrowed her eyes at me. I stayed still as she sighed " What do you want?" she asked. rather bluntly as she looked me up and down. This kind of hurt, to see how broken she looked.

Slowly I sat next to her and she scooted back a little. " I heard you crying before...Are you okay?" I asked, giving her a worried glance. The gem seemed a bit taken shocked, but soon, her expression shifted back to that heartbroken state and she shook her head. I nod and I Moved closer to the gem and she tensed up before a sigh escaped her lips. Soon, she began to explain Pink Diamonds betrayal.

My eyes widened at the information. On Tv, Steven had described Pink as a fun-loving, yet kind and gentle person, or gem in this case. But never had I thought that she would abandon someone who really needed her. " Steven has been trying to help me make friends...But they don't work out.." she sniffled

I frowned slightly as I looked down " That's Horrible..." I mumbled as I shook my head before turning to look at her " I'm sorry" You said as you slowly pulled her into a hug. The gem seemed very hesitantly at first, but when she hugged back, she hugged me tightly.

I smiled lightly to cheer her up some and I pulled away to look at her "Well, If you'd like, we could be friends" I said. The gems eyes widen

" Friends? You want to be friends....with me?" she asked in shock. I smile as I nod " If you want that is" I added quickly. She was frozen for a moment before she bit her lip "How...How do I know you won't leave me?" she asked.

I smiled gently as I shook my head. " You have my word that I will never leave you behind," I said. Spinel slowly nods as she smiled slightly. "Okay then..." she said. I smiled as I stood up and she stood up with me with my help.

"So, what's your name?" I asked as I tilted my head slightly as I reached over and gently wiped the tears from her eyes. but as I felt something go around my arm and I looked down to see that her arms were coiled around mine, almost like a cartoon character, And I could help but find this a bit cute.

" I'm...Spinel" She said as she said, now seeming to calm down some. Smiling I nod happily. " Well, I'm (Name). I'm sure we'll be the best of friends" I said as I gave her a happy grin. A smile slowly pulled at Spinels lips as she nods. "Okay,"

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