~Chapter 7~

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After the walk through the woods, I had brought her back towards Beach city. The sun was now high in the sky signalling that it was now noon. But what caught my eye was that a pink lion was rushing towards us. My eyes widened and Spinel tilted her head at the creatures. " Isn't that steven's?" She asked in confusion. Sure enough, when the lion got closer he stopped and turned to its side to show Steven riding it.

" (Name)! Spinel!" He called out as he slid off the rather large cat. Walking forwards with spinel behind me, I gave a smile as I waved " Hey Steven, something up?" I asked tilting my head to the side slightly. Steven nodded " The crystal gems said they heard the warp pad go off. The one in the temple. We checked everything but what we found was odd. We went to the garden, and....well...everything's alive again. We don't know how. But all the plants seemed to be alive again. As if they never died" He said as he looked at Spinel. The pink gem frowned as she looked down. " I need to go there," She said as she got on Lion and Steven nods as he got on as well. I froze for a moment before Spinel looked at me. "(Name)...I don't want you coming with me. If something were to happen, I don't want anything to hurt you" She said as she gave a sad smile. I frowned as I shook my head, taking a step forward. " But, I want to come! I promised to stay by your side and I am going to" I said with determination. Spinel and I stared at each other for a moment before sighed with a smile. "Okay, then let's go," She said as she used one arm to stretch over and she inflated it so she could grab me and she picked me up, putting me on Lion, behind her but in front of steven. Lion then let out a roar as he then took off, and I wrapped my arms around Spinel so I wouldn't fall off and Spinel made her hand shrink.

Eventually, the temple came into view. It looked much bigger in person than it did on Tv. When Lion stopped in front of the temple the three of us rushed up the stairs and to the warp pad. But I walked up to the pad slowly, a bit nervous about using it. Spinel seemed to notice as she looked back at me and she offered a small smile to me. " (Name), It's safe. Besides, I'm right here" she said as she held her hand out to me. I nod as I smiled at her, taking her hand as I stepped onto the pad and Steven held his arms out to the side. And without warning, I felt a bit dizzy as a blue light surrounded us, once it was gone, I felt gravity return and I let out a breath I didn't know.But once my stomach stopped flipping I looked around at my new surroundings. Flowers were blooming everywhere. and with the stars surrounding, It was truly a sight to see. However, when I looked back over at Spinel, she had a saddened expression covering her face. My eyebrows furrowed a little as tilt my head to the side and I gave her hand a small squeeze. "Spinel...You okay?" I asked as I tilt my head slightly. Spinel sighed as she nods. " Yeah...It's just that, this place didn't give me the best memories" She sighed, looking around. I looked around before Looking back at her and I furrow my eyebrows in confusion. " What do you mean?" I asked. Spinel looked at me giving a faint saddened smile.

"This was our garden. A special world built just for Pink and I," She began as she got off of the warp pad and I followed. "Before....she left, we would play for hours. Every day was so much fun." She said. " And well...You know what happened" she said as she looked down. I slowly nod as I gave a small smile.

" Well hey, you're not alone anymore. I'm going to be right by your side no matter what" I said as I wrapped an arm around her shoulders and she looked at me and she nods with a smile. Following Steven further into the garden and soon Garnet Amethyst and pearl came into view and Steven waved at them " Guys! I got her!" Steven called out.Pearl smiled as she looked over but when she saw me, she gasped as she glared at Steven " Steven! Why on Earth would you bring a human here?! I doubt she has been through the same training Connie has" she said as she glanced at me.

But I quickly stepped forward " I...I came with Spinel" I said and Spinel nods. " I let her come with me. So I'm gonna protect her if something happens" She said. Pearl hesitated before she slowly nods. "Okay..." She said before she turned to me and she cleared her throat " Then I assume you already know about Spinel. " She said before she placed a hand on her chest " But, I'm Pearl," she said as she looked at steven and spinel " Now come on you three, Garnet and Amethyst said they found something." She said as she walked further into the garden and sure enough, garnet stood there along with Amethyst. Garnet turned to us and she turned her head towards Spinel. She gave Spinel a smile as she saw that I was with her.

"Spinel, I see you found someone," She said and Spinel nods " I...I uh...Did...But, what did you three find?" She asked, Stopping once we all got up to the two other gems. Garnet nods as she motioned to the small pillar that was used to project announcements " Well, Other than the garden being re-built, we found this thing. " Amethyst spoke up, and as Spinel examined the small pillar, she saw that a large 'C' was engraved in it. "What's this?" she mumbled and Pearl looked over Spinel's shoulder. "Well, it's clearly a letter, presumably English. " She said as she held her chin before she turned to Spinel " Spinel, you've been here the ever since pink...well, left. Have you ever seen this before?" She asked. Spinel froze for a moment before she slowly shook her head. " No...But I think I know something about it" She began " When...I got my rejuvenator and injector...I saw the symbol then...Perhaps..they have some kind of link" Spinel said.

As Spinel was explaining the situation to the gems, a rustling sound caught my attention. Looking behind me I was the bush rustle a little. Thinking something or someone was there, I slowly crept closer towards it, as to not scare whatever would be there. But as I did Spinel glanced at me and her eyes widened. A pressure plate was just a few steps ahead of me and I failed to notice. " (Name)! Look out!" Spinel yelled in cry. Being quick, Spinel let her legs coil and she used it as a spring to rush at me, but when her body hit my own, My foot pressed against the pressure plate and a spear shot out, hitting Spinel in the Chest, just narrowly missing her gem. Spinel and I both tumbled to the ground. I let out a groan as I held my head, but as I looked over, my eyes widen " Spinel!" I gasped. Looking at the spear that impaled her, she frantically shook her hands at me"Oh no no no no no! (Name)! It's okay!" She said looking back at me " (Name), I'm gonna be al-"

And then she poofed. 

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