~Chapter 6~

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Oh my god!! 2 thousand views?! Thank you all so much!! I'm glad that people take time out of their day just to read this! Anyways, Onto the story! I hope you all enjoy!

I groan as my phone began to go off, making its usual ring tone that I dreaded, especially in the morning. And I felt something poke the side of my face "(Name)" A familiar voice called out. "(Name), wake up. Your device is going off and it won't shut up" The voice said as the poking became more frequent.

" I'm up, I'm up" I groaned as I sat up and I looked over to see Spinel holding my phone, repeatedly tapping the screen in an attempt to turn the alarm off. I laugh lightly as I shook my head. " Spinel, Let me see," I said as I took the phone and I typed in the password and I easily shut the alarm down. But my eyes widened as I began to whisper "Are my parents here?" "Nope, they left" She smiled as she opened the door. I let out a breath in relief and I nod with a smile. "Then let's go get breakfast," I said as I walked down the stairs and the kitchen.

"Break what now?" Spinel asked as she followed behind me, her shoes making a squeaking noise as she walked. I tap my chin as I pulled out two bowls and grabbed a box of cereal. " It's what we call a meal in the morning. lunch is at noon and dinner is at night" I explained as I pour the cereal into the bowls followed by the milk. Spinel nods as she watched as I grabbed two spoons and she smiled. The whole Idea pretty interesting, at least to her.

"Here you go. You use a spoon to eat this" I said as I hand her the bowl and the spoon. Spinel took them into her gloved hands and she followed me to the counter and we sat down and began to eat. Spinel hummed in delight as she scarfed the food down within a minute or two and I finished a bit after her. "So, Spinel" I began. "Do you want to wander around beach city again?" I ask. The pink gem smiled as she thought for a moment before she slowly nods "Yeah" She hummed as I stood up and I placed my bowl in the sink and taking hers, I washed them before putting them down to dry. "Alright, but we need to change before we go anywhere," I said as I went back to my room and into the bathroom. After doing the morning routine, I walked out of the bathroom in a new pair of clothes to see that spiel was back in her outfit she had when I first met her. "You ready to head out and explore?" I asked as I looked back at her. "As I'll ever be!" she chirped.

As Spinel and I walked to town, I smiled as I looked over to see that it was a bit busier than it was yesterday. More people were walking around. Some gems were out as well. It was a nice scene. But one thing ruined it. A crowd was marching with posters and cardboard that had a gem with an x over the gem. Protesters. I sigh as I took Spinel's hand and I led her away, not wanting her to get involved. But unfortunately, things didn't work the way I wanted. one of the people protesting glared at me.

"Gem lover! You are betraying your kind!" The man snapped. Spinel glared at the man. " Can it won't ya? She ain't doing nothin' so leave her alone" she snapped. I was a bit surprised. This was the angriest I've seen her. Spinel's eyes were a deep red with a black ring around her pupils as she eyed the man, and soon, others began to watch.

"Spinel. Let's just walk away. They're not worth our time" I said as I pulled on her hand gently. But Spinel didn't listen.

"Oh? What are you going to do about it freak?" The guy taunted. Spinel growled but it soon turned into a peal of dark laughter as she gave a twisted grin. " Oh I'll show ya what I'm gonna do," she said as she raised a fist and it grew big enough to easily squish the man. My eyes widen as I shook my head and as she swung her fist to make the man go splat, I rush forward and stood in front of the guy and I held my arms out as if to shield him. "Spinel stop!" I yelled out as I closed my eyes. But when no impact came, I opened my eyes to see her fist just inches from my face. I let out a sigh as I looked behind me to see that the man was stuck in place, shaking in fear. Looking back at Spinel I place a hand on her fist.

"Spinel... I heard what he said, But hurting others is wrong. It doesn't get anything done...Let's just walk away. None of these people are worth our time" I said as I slowly got closer to her. Spinel looked at me with a slightly saddened look before she made her hand go back to original size. "Okay," she said quietly as she took my hand and intertwined our fingers, in which I didn't mind in the least. Pulling Spinel away from the crowd, I let out a sigh as Spinel looked down. "I'm sorry (Name). I-I don't want to hurt anyone..I-I just..." she trailed off as she looked away in a bit of shame. I looked at her and shook my head " Don't apologize. you were just standing up for me. You just...did it the wrong way, but I still appreciate it" I said giving her a warm smile as I gave her hand a light squeeze to reassure her. Spinel hesitantly looked up at me as she nods "Okay" She said a soft smile pulling at her lips.

"Now then, where would you like to go?" I asked, cleaning the air as I tilt my head at her. Spinel looked around us and she let out a hum " How about.....the woods?" She suggested. I smiled happily as I nod and I smirk slightly. "Race ya," I said with a laugh before I bolted off towards the woods. Spinel gasped as she slowly grinned, taking off behind me. Looking behind me I saw Spinel had stretched her arms and wrapped them onto two trees before she shot herself like a slingshot, making her easily zip by me. She then landed in front of the forest's edge and she turned around to face me before she playfully stuck her tongue at me.

Once I finally caught up to her, I haunched over to catch my breath as I breathe heavily. "No...Fair.." I said in between my gasps for air. Spinel laughed as she shook her head " You didn't say there were any rules" She said, a small giggle escaping her lips as she made her arm-twist in a loop before she poked me gently on the stomach. I Smile as I roll my eyes before I playfully swat her hand away "yeah, yeah. Come one Pinky Slinky" I said, giggling at the nickname and Spinel puffed her cheeks a little in a huff which gained a bit of laughter from me.

Spinel and I had walked through a path in the forest for some time, listening to the birdsongs or just taking in the scenery in general. In other words, Not many words were being exchanged. My mind kept wandering to what had happened previously, for what reasons, I could quite tell. But I couldn't stop thinking back to the protest. Spinel was quick to go to my defence. I couldn't help but smile at the thought. In a way, it made me feel......cared for. Looking at Spinel, I watched as she looked around in awe at the different creatures rushing about. But when her gaze met mine, she gave a soft smile and she took my hand in hers as we continued through the woods, just enjoying each other's presence.

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