~Chapter 16~

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Smiling, Spinel and I walked along the boardwalk. It was already the next day and we were on our way to go visit Pearl. My legs felt a bit wobbly due to the adrenaline, as I was pretty excited to be a teacher. And Spinel could be an assistant. It would also be cool to see if she had any other abilities. 

When Pearl’s class came into view I smiled happily " Pearl!" I called out as I waved over at her. Looking over, Pearl looked at me and smiled back and waved " Hello there (Name)" Pearl greeted as I stopped a few feet in front of her . " Steven tells me that you wanted to help?” Pearl asked as she motioned to the class she was teaching. Smiling I nod “Yup! What did you want help with?” I asked. Pearl smiled as she pulled a phone from her gem. “Like this short-range telecommunications device. I’ve tried to explain what it’s used for but it doesn’t seem to click with them” She said as she held it out to me. “ And since you are more familiar with the technology, I was thinking that you could try to explain to them.” She said as she motioned to the other Gems around us. Smiling, I nod. 

“Alright,” I said as I took the phone from Pearl and handed it to Spinel, whispering in her ear as I came up with a plan, and she took a few steps away. Looking at the group of Gems I smiled. “Alright so first. Humans don’t like to use that word due to how long it is. So we just call it a cell phone, mobile, or just phone” I said as I watched the Gems nod. “It has more functions than just calling. It’s for finding information. We humans use the term ‘look-up’ or ‘search’. It means we’re using it to find information. “ I Said and nodding to Spinel and she gave me a thumbs-up before she tapped the screen of the phone she had a few times and soon, my phone began to ring and the gems gasped. Smiling, I shook my head “ Will you all excuse me? I believe I have a call I need to take” I Said before I swiped my screen and I put it to my ear. 

“Hello? This is (Name) speaking” I said and Spinel smiled as she caught on as she spoke up. “Hey (Name), I called to say hi,” She said and I smiled nodding, the Gems that were sitting down were watching intently. “ Spinel! It’s great to get to talk to you! I’m afraid I can’t talk now. I am teaching a class at the moment” I said as I motioned to the Gems in front of me. “ Oh, alright (Name), I’ll talk to you later, goodbye!” “see ya,” I said before we both hung up, and the Group of gems began to clap. Smiling, my cheeks turn a slight pink and I scratched the back of my neck. But as I was about to put my phone back in my pocket, I heard it ring. Looking down at it, my breathing hitched. It was my mother. 

I stood there, frozen. No. But I thought we were done. What could she want now? "Uh, shouldn't you answer that?" One of the Gems asked pointed to the phone " maybe your friend remembered something! " Another said. Noticing my expression Pearl quickly interjected.  “That was a brilliant example (Name)” Pearl said as she placed a hand on my shoulder. " Thank you for coming. I know you're busy so you and Spinel should get going. " She said. Seeing what she was doing, Spinel nods as she rushed over " thanks for having us" she said before she grabbed my shoulders and led me away to a quieter space. 

Taking the phone from me, Spinel shook her head  "(Name), Listen. You don't have to answer to her or your dad anymore. Just focus on me, okay? Take deep breaths" she said and I slowly calmed down and I let out a sigh " sorry about that Spinel. It just caught me off guard" I said as I hugged her, immediately getting a hug in return. 

After we both pulled away, a thought came to mind. " Spinel. Can we go find Steven ?" I asked. Spinel looked at me in confusion before nodding. " Uh...sure. stay here for a moment" She said before she walked off the way we came. “A few moments later, she came back. “Well Pearl said he’s at the temple, so we should head there,” She said before she grabbed my hand and we both began to walk to the warp pad in the middle of little homeworld. 

Once in the temple, we walked down the stairs to see that steven was no longer in his room. “Steven?” I called out as I began to head down the stairs. “In the kitchen. “ I heard Steven call back, and as he said, he was in the kitchen, making a sandwich for himself. “Oh, (Name), Spinel.” He said as he saw us. “How are you two?” he asked and I smiled. “ I'm good, actually, there’s something I need to ask of you. Steven nods “alright. What is it that you need?” he asked and I walked closer to him, whispering my Idea into his ear. Steven’s eyes widen as he nods, stars in his eyes as he grinned “Of course! Of my gosh!” he exclaimed as he took me by the shoulder, shaking me a little, making me laugh. Spinel looked at him in confusion and I laughed “ Is there enough room in here?” I asked and Steven shook his head as he took my head “no. it would be better to head outside” He said and I took Spinels hand in mine as steven dragged me outside. 

“What’s going on?” Spinel asked and I let out a giggle. “You’ll see,” I said as I winked at her playfully and her cheeks dusted with pink as looked at me in confusion. “Okay..?” She said and Steven smiled as he letting me go, he took a few steps away. “Okay, so how does this work?” I asked, My heart fluttering a bit in excitement. Steven smiled. “Well, really all you have to do is do your own dance, relax. Let loose” He said as he cracked his knuckles and shook himself to get loose “ You ready?” He asked. Nodding, I Smiled and turned to see Spinel’s expression was one of pure shock as she was trying to put the puzzle pieces together. Looking back at Steven, I nod grinning. 

“Ready as I’ll ever be”

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