~Chapter 8~

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~Oh my gosh, 4 thousand views? I swear, ya'll are too much, But anways, enough of my yappin', here's the next chapter, enjoy!~

And then she poofed.
My eyes widen as I rush over, catching her gem in my hands before it could hit the ground. But suddenly more Spears seemed to shoot and Pearl looked at Steven. " Steven! Get (Name) out of here!" Garnet said and the boy nodded, forming a bubble around himself and he ran towards me, making the bubble go around me as well once he got to me. Quickly I stood up, hugging Spinels gem protectively and I ran with Steven to the warp pad as Garnet, Amethyst and pearl fought off the Spears. Once Steven and I stepped on the warp pad, He extended his arms and in seconds we were back at the temple.
I quickly got off the pad, feeling a bit dizzy and I was breathing heavily. " Are you okay?" Steven asked as he stepped down and he placed a hand on my shoulder in worry. I nod as I sigh, moving some hair from my face as I recovered. " Yeah...but Spinel....she...she's...." I trailed off. Steven smiled gently at me and he nods " I know. I know. But you don't need to worry (Name). In fact, I bet she'll come back better than ever. She's a Gem. We're much more durable" He said reassuringly and I returned the smile, nodding. " Now, come on. You can stay here at the temple until she reforms" He said and he began to head down the stairs. I smiled nodding " Thank you, Steven." " Anything for a friend"
As we walked down to where the kitchen was, I took a seat on one of the stools. " You want something to drink (Name)?" Steven asked as he pulled out two juice boxes " Or you can have water if you don't want juice. "Nah, juice is good," I said smiling. Nodding, he slid the box to me and I grabbed it, putting the straw in and I took a sip. " Thank you," I said, earning a hum from him.
"So uh... Steven...I wanted to know. How has the press been? I mean, with being the one to represent Gems. Must be stressful." I said as I used my thumbs to rub against the edges of the heart-shaped gem in my hands.

Steven sighed " Actually. It's not as bad as I thought it would be. After Spinel came, media was dying to find out what happened. But now things are just dying down" He said I nod as I smiled,'' Well, that's good" I said, " Oh what happens if there are too many Gems for little homeworld?" I asked. Shirley having more than what was planned would be disastrous. Steven without a small laugh as he's scratched the back of his neck ((now that he has one, lol)) " Actually as funny as it sounds, some Gems have been dying to get out and see the rest of the country. So they poof themselves and have other Gems mail them to different places." He said and I nod smiling " Well it's good that they don't need anything. They don't need food or water as humans do" I said.
We were both cut off as a bright light came from Spinel's gem. It floated over to the side a little. Soon, Spinel began to reform, The upside-down heart-shaped get stopped glowing as Spinel's feet touched the ground. A smile pulled at my lips as I lunged at her, wrapping my arms around her in a hug. " Spinel! Thank goodness you're okay! I was so worried!" I exclaimed as I looked up at her. She now seemed a bit taller than me, but not too much. Probably about a few inches taller at most. 

Spinel blinked a few times as she looked down at me " You...you were?" " Of course I was! I forgot the Gems can reform... so when you poofed, I almost had a heart attack" I said smiling at her, a bit bashfully. Spinel slowly smiled as she wrapped her arms around me and she smiled " well.... Nothing's gonna attack your heart while I'm around" She said with a small Laugh and her arms coiled around me, she lifting me up and began to spin the both of us. And within seconds the both of us erupted in laughter as I closed my eyes.
After a bit of spinning, Spinel put me down and took my hand in hers. A yawn escaped my lips and Spinel smiled " Tired?" Spinel asked as she tilted her head. Nodding, a squeak escaped my lips as she picked me up.

" Steven! (Name) is tired, is there somewhere she can rest for a little bit?" Spinel asked. Steven turned his head up from what he was doing to look at her as he smiled nodding " Yeah. She can use my bed for a bit" He shrugged. Nodding, Spinel nodded happily as she carried me up to Stevens room. " S-Spinel! I-i can walk you know" I said, obviously flustered. Spinel laughed at my bashful state and she smiled. "So can I~" she gave a slight smirk as she plopped me onto the bed, making me let out a huff as my back hit the fluffy mattress below " Spin-" " Shush my dear human" She giggled " You need rest. " She said as she stretched her arms out, grabbing the edge of the blanket and tucking me in. At this point I gave up and let her, smiling at her kind, childish behaviour. " Thank you Spinel" I yawn as I slowly drifted off for a nap. 

With a groan, I slowly sat up from the bed. Wait...bed? Oh yeah... Steven let me sleep in his bed. Looking around I smiled as I saw Spinel sleeping by my side, and I gently rocked her. " Spinel, " I said gently " come on. I think we should head home. But the small pink gem grumbled to herself, " Five more minutes" She said as he wrapped her arms around my waist, her head laying on my lap as she nuzzled into my waist. My cheeks turned a bright red at this and I blinked a few times " Spinel...come on. If you want to sleep at my place we can. But we can't take over Steven's bed" I said. Spinel went quiet for a moment and just as I was about to speak up again Spinel pouted " Fiiiine" she said childishly. I smiled as I nod, my cheeks cooling down as she pulled away sitting up.
" Good to see you back Spinel" The voice of Garnet called out as Spinel and I walked back down the stairs, hand in hand. Turning our heads I smiled as I saw Garnet Amethyst and Pearl on the couch, relaxing, while Steven appeared to be eating a stack of waffles with whipped cream, strawberries and... popcorn? " Uh... thank you" Spinel said with an awkward smile. Cute in my opinion. Garnet nods as she turned to look at me. "(Name), you and Spinel should head back and rest," She said, lifting her glasses so I see her eyes and she winked at me, however, Spinel didn't seem to notice as she quickly put her glasses back down over her eyes. Just what did she mean by that?! Garnet continued " Steven can find you and her if we find anything else," She said. Nodding, I waved goodbye to Steven and the others as Spinel took my hand and began to lead me out of the temple. 

I let out a sigh as Spinel began to head back to my place. The events of what had happened kept running through my mind. To what Garnet had done and said. But to think that my Spinel could have been shattered ...wait... my Spinel? My cheeks dusted with a light pink hue. No...I couldn't ... perhaps it was just ...it's just a thought. Nothing more. Just a slip of the mind.Spinel seemed to notice my quiet and flustered state and she cocked her head to the side in confusion. " Hey...uh, (Name)?" She asked and I broke out of the trance-like state I was trapped in. " Are you okay?" She asked as she placed a gloved hand to my forehead. " You don't have a fever ...but your face is red" She mumbled. Quickly I shook my head " N-no! I'm good! I just ...was thinking about what happened..." I explained as I ran a hand through my hair. Spinel nodded and she stopped walking, one hand grabbing my shoulder as she turned me around

"(Name), I'm fine. Look at me. I know, what happened was a lot. But you have nothing to worry about, " She said as she wrapped her arms around me in a hug. I tensed up slightly before I nod smiling." Thank you " I said, leaning into her a bit. But I was soon a bit disappointed as she pulled away slightly. " Thank you? For what?" She asked as she tilted her head at me. " For...the comfort...and...and for saving me," I said,  the colour on my cheeks darkening. 

Spinel smiled warmly as she let out a faint Laugh " (Name), you're the only friend I've got. And I'm not going to let you go" She said as she let out a hum, one gloved hand gently cupping my cheek and her thumb gently rubbed my cheek, her gaze gentle and caring. " But.... you're welcome," She said as she leaned down slightly, and kissed my forehead.

And then I woke up...

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