Chapter 3

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I smiled as I walked with Spinel, both her and I exploring what beach cit had to offer. Despite how small the town used to be, there seemed to be quite a few people out. Spinel seemed latched onto my arm, refusing to let me go. But I didn't mind. It was rather cute in my opinion.

But one place soon caught my eye. 'The bid doughnut'. I smile as I looked back at Spine. " Do you mind if we stop in there? I want to try one of the doughnuts in there" I said. Spinel looked up at the sign before she nods " Okay" she said as she and I made our way inside. When we walked inside the small bell on the door let out a chime and I smiled as I looked around. This place was small but in a cosy way. The atmosphere was refreshing. walking up to the counter, I smiled at the rather short girl behind it. She smiled at me and Spinel happily. "Hello, what can I get you?" She asked as I looked around " Can I have a (Favorite flavour) Doughnut Please?" I asked.

The girl nods smiling as she grabbed my Doughnut and tilted her head at me " Are you new here? I don't think I've seen you before. " She said as she looked at me. Nodding I smiled

"Yeah, I just came here today. I'm (Name)" I smiled as I paid her as she slid the doughnut over on a napkin and I grabbed it. Nodding she smiled in return, "Name's Sadie." she said as she grabbed a piece of paper and she scribbled a phone number down and handed it to me. "Here, If you aren't doing anything, Give me a call," She said. Smiling down at the paper, I put it in my pocket. " I will, thank you," I said before I began to head out of the shop.

But as soon as you both left the shop, Spinel snatched the piece of paper Sadie gave you and narrowed her eyes at it. "What's this for?" She asked as her neck stretched to make her head tilt and hang upside down. I smiled as I grabbed the piece of paper back. " She gave me her phone number so I can call her. It's something you do when people become friends" I explained. But, Spinel frowned as she looked at me, her grip tightening on me.

" friend?" she asked and I froze as I heard the hurt in her voice. "Y-you're going to replace me?" she asked as tears formed in her eyes. My eyes widen as I rapid shook my head " N-No! no, Spinel, I would never leave you" I said as I pulled her into a tight embrace. " Friends can make new friends, I promised you that I wouldn't leave you, and I mean every bit of it" I as I gave her a firm, yet warm, smile.

Spinel nods as she relaxed in my hold as she wiped her eyes. "Oh...I'm sorry," she said as she looked away. " I..over reacted." she sighed, leaning her head on my shoulder in seek of comfort, in which I instantly began to rub her back gently.

"Don't apologize. You've done nothing wrong. after everything that's happened..." I said as Spinel hugged back tighter, her head resting on my shoulder, her tears soaking my shirt a little.

Once Spinel had calmed down I smiled as I took her hand in mine and I began to lead her off towards the boardwalk. " Is there anything you'd like to do ?" I asked as I looked back at Spinel. The gem looked at me and she then looked at the ground in thought. " I.....what are those?" She asked as she motioned to the roller coasters in Funland.

Once I saw what she was pointing at, I smiled widely as I decided to show her. Leading her on the pier, I pulled out some money and bought two tickets. Spinel, however, was confused as I still hadn't told her what it was or what it did. After getting the tickets, I looked around and went to the biggest ride, Spiel following with a distrustful gaze at the coasters.

" These are roller coasters, humans go on them for fun," I said as I looked back at Spinel. " You see? The cart is carried up that hill and drops them" I said as I Spinel looked over towards the rollercoaster as it climbed up the hill and soon dropped down a staggering sixty vertical drop, earning screams from the people who were on the ride as they went through a few loops.

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