~Chapter 10~

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Spinel and I walked hand and hand towards the temple, I was a bit nervous about going away from my parents as I knew that I would be in a scrap with them. So if steven couldn't help us, I didn't know what we were gonna do. Leaving Spinel was out of the question, so I'd have to face my parents head-on. But that was something I was willing to do if it meant staying with Spinel.

Soon, the temple came into view and I led her up the steps and I gently knocked on the door. After a few seconds, Pearl came up to the door, opening it as she looked at Spinel and I. " Spinel? And (Name) was it?" She asked, " Is there something you both need?" She asked as she looked from spinel to me. Nodding I cleared my throat. " yes. Is Steven here? We really need to speak to him." I said. Pearl nods in a bit of confusion before she stepped out of the way so Spinel and I could enter. " He's up in his room," She said and I nod as I climbed up the steps, Spinel behind me. Once I was in his room I smiled a little as I saw him on his bed, just laying on top of the covers. When he saw Spinel and I enter the room he smiled as he sat up.

" Oh, hey you two," He said as Spinel gave a small wave. " What brings you over here?" he asked. Looking at Spinel I noticed we both shared a wary look before I looked back at Steven. " Steven we really need a big favour," I said as I clasped my hands together pleadingly. Steven's expression grew serious as he slowly nods. "Well, what do you need? You and Spinel are friends so if you really need something just say" He said smiling. Slowly I nod, feeling a bit better and my nervousness soon died down. " Okay...Well...Spinel and I need a place to stay for a little bit." I said as I pulled on my sleeves a little. " I explained. Steven looked at me in a bit of confusion so I continued. " My parents....they saw me with Spinel. I can't go back. If I do I'll never see her again. Please. Steven. You have to help us" I begged as I clasped my hands together in a pleading manner and Spinel copied my actions. Steven seemed hesitant at first but a sigh slowly escaped his lips.

"Okay. I'll help. But I don't think that there's enough room in my place. I can see about getting you both a place in little homeworld" He said. A smile pulled on my lips and I hugged him happily " Thank you! It means so much to us!" I said happily. Spinel coiled around Steven and I and the three of us laughed for a little while before we let go of each other. Steven smiled as he began to head up to the warp pad and he looked back at Spinel and I. "I'm going to go see what I can do. You both stay here and I'll be right back." he said and with that, he set off the warp pad and he was gone. Turning back to Spinel, I could see the large grin on her face. I smile as I took her and I led her down the stairs. Garnet was on the couch and Pearl was sitting next to her. When we came down the stairs, Garnet smiled as she looked at us.

"Hello, there you two" She greeted. Walking over I waved and I sat on the couch and Spinel sat next to me, her arm wrapped around mine. " we heard you three up there. Although I do not agree entirely about having you run away from your parents, I can tell you need time to think" Pearl said. I smiled at her and Garnet nods in agreement. But when the sound of the warp pad went off, we all turned our heads the stairs to see Steven rush over in a panic.

"Steven? Are you okay?" Pearl asked in a bit of worry. Steven shook his head as he caught his breath. "No, guys somethings going on. Bismuth said that Gems from little homeworld have been going missing," He said. Pearl nods as she stood up and Garnet got up as well. " Steven, Take Spinel and (Name) to little homeworld. Go see what you can find. Pearl, Amethyst and I will go around beach city. She said. Steven nods as he began to head back up the stairs and Spinel and I followed. Once we were on the warp pad I took Spinel's hand and I looked up at her. "Spinel, stay close to me," I said and Spinel let out a laugh " Are you kidding me? I'm not letting you take a few steps without me" She said and her smile widened as I le tout a laugh.

Once we had appeared on the warp pad in little homeworld, I wobbled before recovering from my dizzy state. " Alright. Let's go. I'll go to the right and you and Spinel go to the left. We can cover more ground that way" He said as he looked at me. Nodding I smiled as Spinel and I began to head out and Steven did the same.

As we were walking I looked back at spinel. Her pigtails were up and standing. It was as if they were ears on an animal. It was cool. Looking around, I could see other gems walking about as well. Some were the previously corrupted gems. But something in the distance caught your eye. It was a gem. But this one seemed to be up to no good. They looked around as to make sure they were not being followed before they slipped into a back alley. Nudging Spinel I looked back up at her. " I think I saw someone go in there. They seem suspicious" I said. Spinel's eyes narrowed a little as she nods and began to head towards the alleyway. "Then let's go find them," she said, as we both began to get closer to the dark alley. 

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