~Chapter 4~

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Oh my god! Five hundred views already?! Thank you All!! I really appreciate it!! Anyways I hope you all like this chapter!

After Spinel and I exit the arcade, we began to explore beach city. It was fun as I got to meet a few gems who were originally from homeworld. Spinel seemed to enjoy this too. Not once did I see Spinel's smile fall. " Spinel!" Until now. Turning around, the teddy bear on my back, I looked behind me to none other than the Steven Universe running towards us. Once he was in front of us he hunched over before catching his breath. " Spinel, I was so worried! you just ran off! you weren't at the garden, or the cliff I tho-" Steven soon cut himself off as he looked at spinel, then at me, and then our hands, that were holding each other, fingers entwined. "I...Found someone" Spinel said. I looked at her in a bit of confusion and Steven seemed to pick up on this. A sigh left his lips as he smiled a little. 

"Oh..Well, I'm Steven Universe. And, You see...Ever since...well...I befriended Spinel...I've been trying to help her find a friend...she didn't exactly click with anyone...But you could be the exception!" He exclaimed as he grinned at me. My cheeks turned pink and I scratch the back of my neck bashfully and Spinel did the same. " Oh..." I said in thought. "Well, then I'd be happy to help her," I said, gaining the attention of the pink gem. " I already promised that I'd be there for her," I said with a hum. Spinel blinked a few times as she slowly smiled. " You mean it?" She asked as she scanned me over, looking for any indication that I was just bluffing. 

" Of course! You've been nothing but kind to me since I met. I have no reason not to be your friend. " I said. Spinel smiled a bit wider and soon it turned into a grin and she wrapped her arms around me in a tight hug. Steven smiled at this as he nods "Well, then it's nice to meet you (Name)" He said as he held a hand out and I shook it gently. "Although, You seem new here. I don't think I've seen you around," he said I smile as I shook my head. 

" I am, my family and I just moved into an apartment because my parent's needed to go to help out with work here" I explained. Steven smiled as he nods " Well then that means I get to show you around sometime!" he said happily "Would your family mind if Spinel stayed with you?" he asked. Biting my lip, I let out a sigh. "that's the thing...My parents hate gems." I said and Spinel looked at me sadly and Steven furrowed his eyebrows "why?" "They think they will only cause harm to the earth." 

Steven shook his head " That may have been true for most before, but I've established peace with the gems on homeworld. " He said as Spinel stepped forward with a sad expression. " You're not going to leave me.....right?" she asked, a pleading look in her eyes. I scoffed as I rolled my eyes, placing the large stuffed bear spinel gave me down. "Spinel, I couldn't care less about what my parents said. I will not leave you. And, I plan on taking you with me." I said. Spinel tilted her head in a bit of confusion so I continued. "Spinely, I've seen your arms stretch your limbs any way you want, are you able to shrink or grow?" I asked. 

Steven grinned as he nods " I see where you're going with this" He commented. and Spinel seemed to understand as well and she smiled happily as she nods. "Then what my parents don't know can't hurt them," I said with a small smirk.

I bit my lip nervously. After steven left, It was time that I head home. Spinel was smiling as she looked at the many apartments and houses you both passed by on the way there. Turning to spinel I took in a deep breath as I looked at spinel. "Hey, spinel?" "Yeah? what's up?" she asked as she looked at me. I sigh as I scratched the back of my neck " When we get to my apartment, my parents shouldn't be home until an hour from now. They both get out at nine. But when they do come here, you're going to need to stay in my room. " I said. Spinel nods as she playfully saluted me " yes ma'am" she said and I let out a giggle which seemed to make her smile grow. 

Once we both arrived at my apartment, I typed the password onto the pad that was on the door and the door unlocked. " Well. I'd give you a tour. But I don't know much about the place myself, I just got here today" I said and Spinel shook her head smiling. " No problem, that just means we get to explore together" She said as she used one arm around your shoulders and she placed a hand against her chin and she soon began to walk dragging me along with her. The first room was the living room that was attached to the kitchen. Spinel let me go as she looked at some of the things such as the TV, and in the kitchen, the fridge and stove. "What are these for?" She asked as she stood in front of the fridge. 

Walking over to her I smiled " that's for storing food so it doesn't go bad." I explained as I looked at the fridge and then to the stove. " And that's for cooking food. Most food needs to be cooked before it's eaten otherwise some foods can make people sick" I said and Spinel made an 'oh' shape with her mouth. 

" And speaking of cooking, I need to make some dinner. " I hummed as I began to pull out some bread along with some cheese and a can of tomato soup. And I smile as I looked over to Spinel who was watching me in curiosity " say. You haven't tried human food before, have you? Do you want to try some?" I asked. Spinel raised an eyebrow before she slowly shrugged " sure…?" She said as didn't even know how to eat human food. 

Smiling I nod as I grabbed some extra bread and cheese and I began to make some grilled cheese along with some tomato soup. Once I was done, I set the two sandwiches on a plate and I pour the tomato soup into a bowl. " Here," I said happily as I hand one sandwich to her and she took it 

" What do I do with it?" She asked. I smile as I picked up mine " Just bite, chew” You said as you took a bite of your grilled cheese and then you swallowed it. “And swallow. It’s not exactly rocket science” I said with a small laugh. Spinel looked back at the sandwich and she nods, copying what you did. But when she swallowed, She slowly smiled as she took another bite and then another. I smiled as I began to eat my sandwich. "That was pretty good," She said as she looked over at me and I caught her looking over at me, but specifically, my food. I let out a laugh as I held the sandwich closer to me and I shook my head with a laugh. "Nuh-uh. you had your own this is mine" I said.  

A smirk formed on Spinels lips as she slowly shook her head "Not for long" She said as she began to come closer. As she came closer, a small rush of adrenaline ran through my veins and I playfully stuck my tongue "You already had some! this is mine!" I laugh as I began to run. Spinel shook her head as she too laughed and chased after me, Her arms stretching out and her hands grew as she tried to grab me, but I had barely dodged each one. "You can run forever (name)!" she laughed. I Shook my head as I raced up the stairs and I ran into my room, Slamming the door, seconds before spinel got to the door. I put my ear to the door and when I heard footsteps on the stairs I let out a sigh and I walked to my bed, ut as I did I heard giggling. My head turned and behind I saw Spinel, flattened out on the floor as if she were a cartoon character, and she had gone under the door and she sprung up, back to her rounded self and she began to laugh 

"Ha!" She cheered as she grabbed my grilled cheese in one swift motion and her free arm wrapped around me and lifted me into the air before she shoved the sandwich into her mouth and swallowed it whole. Spinel smirked as she looked back at me, putting a hand against her stomach "I win" 

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