~Chapter 11~

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As Spinel and I walked closer, I began to grow nervous. What if this gem, if it even was a gem, was dangerous? I bit my bottom lip gently in nervousness. Spinel seemed to notice this and her one arm wrapped around me and I gave a smile in thanks before turning my gaze back towards the alley. But when our eyes widen as we both saw a figure ahead of us wearing a dark grey cloak. I knew it was a gem as their arms and hands were a light grey. No human had grey skin. Spinel moved in front of me protectively as she frowned. " Hey, you!" Spinel called and the figured stopped waking. But they didn't do much other than that. Spinel huffed as she stretched an arm out and to grab the man's shoulder. But as her hand was about to grip the Gems shoulder, They turned around, the hood of their coak covering their face and their hand grabbed Spinel's wrist. My eyes widen as they yanked on her arm, launching her towards him, and because her other arm was coiled around me, I was pulled with her. The Gem then sent a punch right at her stomach and she groaned as I fellout of her hold and onto the hard cement ground.

"(Name)!" Spinel gasped as I held my head in pain. It was much worse than a headache. It hurt, a lot. " I'm fine Spinel..." I said. Spinel shook her head as she crawled over to me and her gloved hands cupped my cheeks and she turned my head to see a bit of blood running down the side of my head. Not a lot, but it was still there.

"Protecting a human?" the figure asked as they looked down at Spinel and I, their voice somehow sounded masculine and deep. " Spinel. I thought you would have known better" they said as they reached under their hood, and pulled out a weapon that looked a lot like a pistol. Spinel's eyes widen as the gun was pointed directly at us. But before the Gem could shoot, a pink shield was thrown and it made the Gem fall over. Unfortunately, the cloak still covered them so no distinctive features could be seen. They let out a sigh as they shook their head before they quickly got up and bolted off. Not even a few seconds passed and Steven ran up to us in worry. "Spinel! (Name)! Who was that?! What happened?!" He asked.

Spinel huffed as she got up with me in his arms. "Hold it Universe. (Name) is hurt. Heal her and then we'll talk. " She said as she twisted her arm to gently grab my head and turn it just enough so he could see the side of my head where blood seemed to spill from. Steven sighed as he nods as he looked at me " I was going to do that anyway." He sighed as he shook his head Alright...(Name) this may be weird, but I'm going to heal you" He said. I only let out a mumble in response as I felt nauseous and the world felt like it was spinning and my head was still throbbing. Steven nods as he leaned forward and he kissed where I was bleeding. And in within seconds, the wound went away and so did the blood. The Nauseous feeling took a bit longer to go away but it soon went away and so did the pain on the side of my head. When Spinel saw that I was now healed, she let out a sigh of relief, but she still held onto me, and I didn't fight against it. I just wanted to relax.

"Alright...Now, who was it? What happened?" Steven asked as he looked back at Spinel. The Pink Gem sighed as she looked from me to Steven. " Well. (Name) saw someone who seemed rather suspicious. So we followed them. They had a cloak on, but their arms were visible. " She explained. " They were a Gem because I don't think humans have grey skin. But anyways, When (Name) and I went into the ally, I tried to turn him around. However, he grabbed my hand and (Name) got hurt when we fell...But This gem seemed to have a human weapon. A..Gun? But it seemed to be modified." She said in thought. "And...they somehow knew me" She mumbled. Steven seemed surprised at this and he slowly nods. "We need to find the others. I'm Sure Pearl would know" he said. Spinel nods as she looked back down at me "(Name), do you think you can walk?" She asked. Although I wanted to shake my head no, I nod smiling. " Yeah. thank you Spinel" I said as I looked at her gently. Spinel nods as she puts me down, and as expected, she grabbed my hand intertwining her fingers with mine.

Steven, Spinel and I walked back towards Beach city in only fifteen minutes. But I soon grew nervous. What if my parents are here? What if they are looking for me? I tightened my hold on Spinels hand. Spinel looked at me as she could tell I was nervous " It'll be okay (Name)" She said gently and she gave me a smile " If...If it means I get to stay with you I'll face your parents" She said. Slowly, I nod smiling "Thank you Spinel," I said happily and we continued walking.

But when I caught Steven staring with a grin, my cheeks turned a light pink. "Don't you say anyt-" " That was so cute!" he said happily. Spinel grinned happily, obviously not as flustered about it as I was. But not much else could be said as Pearl, Amethyst and Garnet came into view. "Guys!" Steven called out as he ran towards them and Spinel and I followed him. " Steven!" Pearl said as he stopped in front of her " Did you find anything?" she asked. Steven shook his head as Spinel and I caught up to everyone. "No, But Spinel and (Name) did," He said. Pearl nod as she looked around " Alright. Let's head back to the temple first. Just in case" she said. We all nod and began our way back to the temple.

Thoughts began to form as Spinel and I followed the Crystal Gems to temple. The moment of when I had kissed Spinels cheek came to mind. Why can't I get this Gem out of my head? "(Name)" Garnets Voice brought me out of my thoughts. Turning to her, I saw her looking at me and she took this as a sign to go on. " After you and Spinel finish explaining. I want to talk to you. Alone" She said. Slowly nodding, I gulp as I began to wonder what she wanted. I didn't do anything to make her upset did I? What could she possibly want with me? Garnet seemed calm, but boy could she be intimidating. Needless to say, the walk back to the Temple was unnerving.

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