chapter 13

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I let out a sigh as I held my head in my hands. " This is not good" I muttered as I paced back and forth in the living area. Spinel watched with a worried face " (Name) I know it looks bad…" she said and I looked at her, pulling at my hair. " looks bad?! Spinel, this is bad!" I exclaimed. " The police are probably going to get involved! My parents are going to kill me" I said " And what they'll do to you. This will give the people who are in the protests more of a reason to hate Gems" I said as tears formed in the corners of my eyes. 

Spinels eyes widen as the full weight of what we had done had sunk in. She didn't say it. But she was scared. Scared of losing her human. Spinel let out a sigh “ (Name)...Let’s just...get some sleep. We can go to your parents in the morning.” Spinel said as she got up and she stretched her arms so she could grab my shoulders and she held me in place. Looking up at her, a sigh escaped my lips and I nod. “ Okay ...yeah, it’ll be better to be well-rested” I muttered quietly, but just enough for the pink Gem to hear. Her arm stretched over and she grabbed the remote and she turned the tv off. “ Then let’s get to bed,” She said. 

Walking to the bedroom, I noticed there was only one bed. Well, it wasn’t like this was new. Spinel walked over to the bed and I followed her onto the bed as a sigh escaped my lips. “Just relax. Everything will be cleared up in the morning” Spinel said in a hushed whisper as she pulled me closer to her, so my back was against her chest, and I could feel her gem against my back. Spinel pulled the blankets over us and I then felt arms wrap around my waist. My cheeks turned a light pink as I felt her rest her head against my shoulder. “Goodnight (Name)” She said quietly. I let out a hum in response as I closed my eyes, my hands resting on her arms that were coiled around me. “Goodnight Spinel”

In the morning, I yawned as rubbed my eyes. Sunlight had poured through the windows and had been shaped to perfectly hit my eyes. A groan escaped my lip as I turned around. But as I did, I made the mistake of opening my eyes. Spinel's was a mere inch from my own, her warm breath hitting my cheeks. And for some smelled sweet, like a faint smell of candy. My cheeks flared up as a blush crept up to my cheeks. Her arms seemed to tighten around me, not to the point where she would hurt me, but enough so that I couldn’t get away from her grasp. I didn’t want to wake her up either. She looked rather peaceful, that and I didn’t want her to see the (rather awkward) position we were in. 

However, the universe seemed to be out for me as Spinel's eyes fluttered open, locking right onto mine. Letting out a yawn, She smiled as she held me closer to her “ Good morning (Name)” She said with a hum. My cheeks only heated up further “ G-Goodmorning” I said. Spinel gave a small laugh as she noticed my reddened face. “It’s interesting how humans can change their colours. It’s cute” she said as her head rests against me, her pigtails tickling my face. “S-Spinel. We need to get ready to go” I said as I began to squirm. But Spinel was having none of it. “ We can wait for a few more moments. Five minutes won’t make a big difference” She said with a yawn, snuggling into me further. But eventually I gave in and I just let her rest. Even though I didn’t want to think about it, it could be the last good moment with her. 

But eventually, we did have to get up. I didn’t want to, and neither did Spinel. But this had to be done. Otherwise, the situation would just get worse. Walking down the stairs, I walked over to the kitchen and I popped two slices of bread into the toaster before I looked over at Spinel. My lips pulled down into a frown at the sight. Spinel’s pigtails were hanging down as if they were ears on a sad puppy and a smile was devoid of her face. A sigh escaped my lips as I walked forward and I rest my hands on her shoulders. “Spinel, look at me,” I said gently. Hesitantly, the Gem shifted her gaze to look at me, her eyes shining as if she were on the verge of tears. “(Name), I’m scared. I’m really scared. I don’t want to lose the only friend I have. My best friend. I know we keep saying that it’ll be okay but I’m just scared” She whimpered as warm tears streamed down her face. 

A pain formed in my chest at the word friend. It hurt. Like I was just hit by a freight train. But, no matter the pain I felt, I wrapped my arms around her ad she immediately returned the embrace. “S-Spinel. I’m scared too. You’re not alone. And as I said before. You’ll never lose me. I’m justgonna be stuck to you like glue” I said. Spinel nods as she let out a sniffling noise before she let out a sigh “ You’re right…” She said and she shook her head. “I..I trust you,” She said. Giving a faint smile, I nod, turning to the toaster as the two slices popped up. Only then did I let my smile fall. My chest hurt greatly. It was hard to breathe. Was it always this hot in here? 

Taking the toast out, I put some jelly onto it, taking a large bite. After eating I cleared my throat and I put my shoes on before grabbing the keys. “Let’s go” I sighed as Spinel stretched her arm out to grab my hand. “let’s go," she said and I nod, and soon she and I began to walk out of the building. It took a while but eventually, we left little homeworld, my heart was pounding and I could tell Spinel was trying to hide her nervousness as well. Soon, the row of apartment complexes was surrounding us. Looking around, I felt my blood run cold. On one of the porches, were the police ...and my parents. Once they saw us, my mother looked at us with wide eyes. My father held a more angered expression. Taking a deep breath, I continued to walk with a poker face. 

" You have a lot to explain young lady," my father said sharply as he dismissed the police who walked to their cars, but not before they gave spinel and I, a glare. My parents watched with scrutinizing eyes as Spinel and I walked up the stairs and into the apartment. Spinel and I sat on the couch and my mother walked in with my dad behind her, and he harshly slammed the door. My parents walked in the front of us and my dad tapped his foot on the floor. Never had he looked this angry. “Now. Explain,” 

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