Being the daughter of a preacher isn't always easy. You have to do things your parents way, your looked at as a perfect role model for the smaller kids, your expected to show up every day, you have to be smart and live up to the expectations of your parents, you have to be a perfect child of god and no sin shall be committed. One little mistake can be what your father teaches the whole congregation next church service. Its just overwhelming and tiring.
"Yes sister, that's the word of the lord amen" My father said to Mrs. Darsen. She's been coming to my fathers church since he's started.
"Amen, and you Aniyah how have you been?" she said turning her attention towards me. Taking my attention from serenity I gave her a small smile.
"Oh I've been good and you?" I replied.
"I've been good. You have such an amazing voice baby. Keep it up for the lord" she complemented.
"Thank you so much" I replied.
You always have to respect your elders. If I don't I'd have to pray for forgiveness every single time. I look over at Serenity as she mocked everything thing I do. She is nothing like me. She gets her way all the time. She can sin as many times as she want and never have to suffer the consequences.
"Excuse me" I dismissed myself from the godly conversation. I love god and all but constantly hearing him being brought up is just crazy.
"Girl what was that?" Serenity asked.
"Honestly I don't know" I chuckled as I quickly led the way out the door before I'll be called again.
"How can you do this life?" She asked as we sat on the steps of the church. I ask myself the same exact thing, but I have no choice. I just wish I was like Serenity, normal.
"Honestly I don't know. It's like I have to watch everything I say and be perfect in everyone's eyes" I shook my head. If no one understands me I know Serenity does.
Shes been my bestfriend since 6th grade. I moved here and the new kid is never welcomed with open arms. I used to get bullied and she would always comfort me when I felt like giving up. I always felt like there was no one but Me, God, Serenity, and My Father. My mom died when I was just 6 years old.
"Yeah, and being perfect isn't easy but I feel like you can get through it bestfriend" Serenity said bumping my arm a little. It kind of lightened up my mood.
"Im about to go. My ma probably wondering where im at. Call me. Love you" she said blowing me a kiss as she walked backwards to her car.
"Love you too" I said returning the gesture. I sat on the steps until my father came out. I knew it was about time for him to come out because everyone's car was gone.
"Ready?" He asked as he locked up the church.
"Yes sir" I said standing up dusting off my pants. Getting in the passenger seat, I put my seatbelt on, sat back, and pulled my phone out.
"So hows school?" He asked starting up the car.
"It's going pretty good so far. It's crazy how I get a lot of recognition nowadays" I shook my head as my eyes peered at him once before gaining attention back onto my phone.
"So do you have a boyfriend?" He asked. He's so nosey and always keeping tabs on me but that's any dad but with this one. It's constantly.
"Actually No, no one likes a preacher daughter" I replied honestly. He looked over at me for a split second before putting his eyes on the road.