3 months later
Houston, Texas
4:58pmClosing the car door Aniyahs lungs inhaled the Houston air deeply as her eyes scanned every inch of the home that not only lessons were learned, but most of all memories made.
"Aniyah" James smiled as he stood in the door way. Meeting half way she fell into his open arms. It felt like forever.
"How are you baby, how you've been?" He asked as he pulled out of the hug and placed a kiss on her forehead.
"Great actually, look who I have with me" she slid to the side of him as they watched Tj close the back door after getting the car seat which carried a sleeping Layla.
"Aww look at my grand baby, her getting so big" he bent down and touched her small foot. Standing up he turned his attention towards Tj who stared at Layla with the biggest smile on his face.
He'd do that often, he's simply in love with everything about her.
"Wussup man" James stuck his hand out for Tj to take. His hand suddenly catching his attention he stared at it for a split second before taking it.
After his past actions James wasn't to fond of him, but still acknowledged his presence as Aniyah wished.
"Love that baby huh?" James asked.
"More than ever" he replied.
"James who is it?" A woman's voice asked causing all of them to trace the voice back towards the entrance of the door.
"Oh hi, I'm Barbra" she smiled showing all thirty two of her pearly white teeth as she walked towards them hastily.
With squinted eyes Aniyah looked up at James. She found it kinda weird for him to have another woman in the house.
"Hi I'm Aniyah and this is Tj" she gave her a warm smile. "Nice to meet you" Aniyah added as the held her hand out for her to take. Dismissing the handshake she pulled her into a hug that she couldn't reject.
"I've heard so much about you, and this must be the beautiful Layla?" She asked as she bent down and touched her hand. Barbra has an warm and lively personality, she sort of carried the traits of Vivica. Maybe that's what he was going for, but Aniyah couldn't figure out why.
"Can we please get my baby out of this heat. It's a different type of hot here, I must admit" Aniyah chuckled.
"You've gotten used to that Atlanta weather I see" James led the way inside. Walking inside it hasn't changed one bit and it felt like home although it was a different smell. One that she was used to but still had to engage into.
"Where's my moms pictures?" Aniyahs eyes scanned the room as she took a seat on the couch, not one of them were there.
"I decided to put them away" he answered.
"But why though?"
"I thought it was time to let go and move on, for the sake of barbra and I's relationship" he answered as he grabbed Barbras hand into his. Aniyah didn't quite accept it and would have to grow into her father moving on.
"So where are they? Can I take them?" She asked.
"Uh yeah, they're in the hall closet" he pointed upstairs. Getting up and walking up the stairs she looked around and not a speck is out of place. Everything was just as before she left.