APRIL 17TH : 10:54AM
Tomorrow is prom and I'm so excited. We don't have much to do today, but I have to get my nails done and Tj has to get his hair cut. My hair appointment isn't until tomorrow morning and my makeup appointment isn't until close to prom time.
"Come on bae it's time to go" I yelled as I walked out the door. Going out to the car I got in and turned the car on before hooking my phone up to the aux cord. About 3 minutes later he came out with one shoe on.
"Aight where to?" He asked buckling up his seatbelt before starting up the car.
"Your appointment is first so we'll do that" I said as he pulled out of the driveway. After a 15 minutes ride we pulled up to the barbershop and got out. Walking in every seat was taken and it was literally packed in here. There was mostly men and they all talked about typical men's stuff.
"If you want you can go do something else. I'll just text you when he's done" He suggested before giving me a kiss and handing me the keys. I left out and now where In the world an I going to go.
I'll just go to Panda Express to get some food. Cause I am a bit hungry. While driving there my thoughts took over.
I've been thinking about a lot lately and it's kinda stressing me out. But I just push my thoughts far back until I have the courage to get them off of my chest. Whenever that'll be.
Pulling up to Panda Express I found a parking spot and turned the car off. Deciding to get out after sitting there for a while I took the key out of the ignition and got out. Locking the car with the key I walked in and they aren't as full as they usually be which is a good thing.
Deciding to get food for the both of us I know he's hungry also. Ordering our food and waiting until our number was called I could just feel someone staring at me. When my number was called I grabbed our food and drinks, Both of my hands were full but I still managed to get out the door.
"You need some help?" This boy asked me and he looked about 19, brown skin, Tj's height with a bit more weight, and some waves.
"No thank you, I got it" I replied as I sat the drinks on top of the car not giving him my attention. I don't want to be rude but if it came down to that I will.
"I know what I ain't got" he smirked at me and dude really ugly. He need to get out my face.
"What?" I asked unlocking the door.
"Your number" he replied.
"Well that's gonna continue to be something you don't have" I said getting in the car.
"You got a boyfriend?" He asked as he held on to the car door so I wouldn't close it.
"Yes now move" I said pushing him back and closing the car door. Niggas are very aggravating.
Driving back to the barbershop I debated on whether it not to tell Tj and I think I should. Grabbing all of my stuff I got out and locked up the car before walking inside. The amount of people has kinda decreased since I left but I didn't take that long.
"Damn girl you got a ass on you" a man said as I walked in. He was a man in his mid 20's and it made me uncomfortable as heck.
"Aye man chill the fuck out for I have to beat yo ass" Tj said as he looked up from his phone.
"Shit Ian lying" he chuckled.
"And Ian lying either bruh, don't make me have to stretch yo ass across this floor" he replied. My nigga with whatever.
"Here babe I got you some food" I handed it to him. He was now getting his hair braided.
"Thank you" he said.
"Your welcome, but baby I got sum to tell you and it's not that big of a deal but you should know. I was at Panda Express and this guy at the age of about 19 came to the car and he started just forcing himself onto me" I shook my head as I opened my food.
"What did you do?"
"I pushed him out of the way as he held the car door and told him I got a boyfriend" I responded.
"That's daddies girl" he said as I chuckled a little. He don't care what comes out of his mouth. Pulling out my phone I got on Instagram to pass some time.
"Yessir this cut be dumb" he said as he looked in the mirror and I didn't even notice it's dyed black now. He payed and as we were walking out Tj bucked at the man who was talking about my butt making him flinch. The boy is crazy and he don't mind.
"I did that bruh I put in that work every night" Tj chuckled as he held my butt. He swears that he's been getting me thick and giving me that glow every since I've lost my virginity. Which is partly true.
"I can do better" the man replied and I had to pull Tj out of there before things get hectic. He'd literally kill that man if it came down to it.
"You are so crazy" I laughed as Tj got in the car and put his seatbelt on.
"Naw cause he acting like I won't beat his ass" he said as he starting up the car.
We went in and of course I had to get the one and only Tim. He's around my age if not a little older and he's also a little on the girly side which is fine with me cause they are more enjoyable than girls.
"Okay so I think I'm gonna go with a matte black" I put my phone down and put my hand onto the table.
"Girl when did you get this ring?" He asked as he held my hand looking at it.
"17 days ago, it's a promise ring" I smiled as I looked at Tj who was sitting by the entrance on his phone.
"No way" He said looking over at Tj.
"Yes way" I laughed.
"Yass girl" He said causing me to laugh. I've told him multiple times how I couldn't wait to be with Tj and this is exactly why I love Tim. Through the process of doing both my nails and toes we talked about any and everything. His mindset on aspects of life is just amazing, and he's so smart and beautiful.
"Thank you so much" I hugged him and per usual he did his thing.
"No, thank you" he replied as he hugged me back.
Tim is like the friend I never had. His kind are probably the best friends you can have I swear."How do they look?" I asked as I stood in front of Tj and held my hands out as I moved my toes around.
"They look lickable" he replied as he licked his lips and he would say some junk like that. Undeniably he loves my pretty feet.
"Might have to top em off with some whipped cream" he laughed as he grabbed my shoes.
"Never underestimate the whipped cream" he smirked before opening the door and letting me out.
We've done things with whipped cream on more than one occasion and he's just so nasty with it to.TJ'S HOUSE
I love it here at Tj's house if you should know It's like my second house. Half of my wardrobe is here also because that's just how much I be here.
"Uno out nigga now what" I yelled as I threw down my last card. I'm undefeated in this game and my greatness is unmatched. Nun mo nun less.
"Shut up cause you know I let yo lil ugly tail win" he replied as he playful pushed my head back.
"Push my head like that again blood, it's gone be some problems" I said sizing him up. He did it again so I grabbed his neck and pinned him to the floor.
"What I told you lil nigga?" I asked as I sat on his bottom half and he started smiling.
"Ion even know no more girl" he replied placing his hands on my butt.
"Man" I laughed as I got off of him. Nigga always gets turned on. We just stayed in the house the rest of the day and the only time we went out was for food. He's literally my bestie and lover all in one.