Laying on Tj's lap we watched a movie in my room. Yes we're able to see each other now because after the talk I had with my dad he had a change of heart. These last 2 months have honestly been great.
"I got to get something from home I'll be right back" he said indicating for me to get up. Sitting up he slid off of the bed and grabbed his shoes.
"Can I come? I really wanna go" I asked. I've never been in his house this whole 4 months of knowing him and I find that very hard to believe myself.
"I don't mind" he grabbed his keys and hopping up I put my hoody on. I was indecisive about the shoes so I just put on some ugg slides. Trailing him out the door I closed it behind me making sure to lock it. My dad wasn't here because of his church tour so I basically had the house to myself.
Getting in the car we put our seatbelt on before he started it up. His house isn't that far from mines so it took no time to get there. I've been wanting to go to his house but It's just that my house is literally our hang out spot so it was no biggie.
"You coming in or?" He asked taking the key out of the ignition.
"Duh" I quickly took my seatbelt off and got out.
I made it to the door before him so anxiously waiting for him up to unlocked the door he walked slowly as he looked at his phone. One thing I haven't seen is his parents either and I haven't even met them.
"Come on any day now" I said as he looked up from his phone.
"Why so anxious?" He asked as he stuck the key in and unlocked the door before opening it up. Walking in, It looks amazing in here. It's carefully decorated in red and black. He has pictures of himself up on the wall, but does his parents not live with him? I went around and examined the house.
"Where's your parents?" I asked as I looked at a picture of him. I wouldn't consider him a narcissist but he loves himself a lot. His self esteem is at an all time high but I wouldn't blame him.
"They're in Atlanta. I moved here because I just wanted to get a fresh start away from what was currently going on" he said and it made me curious of what was going on? He told me everything but what was going on didn't come out his mouth.
"So this is all yours?" I asked appalled he haven't told me this. Well technically he didn't tell me everything but he told me enough.
"Well yeah" he said walking up the stairs.
"And you never thought to tell me this because?" I trailed along.
"I didn't know you cared to know" he replied and reaching his room it looks like it haven't even been touched what so ever. You would have sworn a boy living on his own wouldn't keep their house clean.
"Can I stay here tonight?" I asked sitting on the bed.
"I don't see why you would want to, but why not" he shrugged his shoulders looking through his drawer.
"Close your eyes" he said keeping his hands in the drawer. Closing them unsure of why I anxiously awaited him to tell me to open them.
"Ok, I've been meaning to give you this. I thank you for being my bestfriend and being here for me these last 4 months. I've learned so much from you and you make life worth living. Without you I would be nothing. Open them" he said and I opened my eyes.
"Omg" I yelled looking at the long box that held a necklace saying Niyah in diamonds.
"No I can't take that" I pushed the box away. He took it out of the box and held it up.