Later that night
"I had plans on taking you to Potente the night that we got here" Tj said, passing by the Italian restaurant it caught his mind. "but of course things turned out the way they did, maybe it was for the better huh?" His eyes averted towards the rear view mirror for one split second.
"Agreed" she replied.
"Wanna stop by and get ice cream?" He asked and nodding as a response, in a mile radius they arrived to sweet rolls.
Parking the car and cutting it off, they got out. Tj removed Layla's car seat from its base as Aniyah walked around the car. Closing the back door, he locked the car doors before placing the keys into his pocket. Leading the way, he held the door allowing her to walk in first.
Their eyes scanning over the menu, they deliberately made their decision as they awaited a worker to make their way.
"Hey how may I help you today?" She asked, her smile broad and white as she looked between the two of them.
"Can I get Strawberry cheesecake ice cream rolls?" Aniyah asked as she returned the smile.
"What size" she asked.
"A small please" she replied.
"And what would you like?" She turned her attention towards Tj as his squinted eyes indecisively looked over the menu. His mouth placed to the side he thought long and hard, it was his thinking face.
"Pretty hard huh?" She laughed as she looked between both of them causing them to laugh also.
"Very, but I'll just get banana split" he replied, nodding she typed them into the cash register screen.
"It'll be sixteen seventeen" she looked up, and handing Aniyah the car seat holding Layla he took the large fold of money out of his pocket counting between the bills ranging between hundreds and dollar bills.
"Boy just give her the money" Aniyah bumped his arm with her elbow as the girl started to laugh. She always feels he likes to broadcast his money, until it gets taken
"Oh, my bad" he chuckled taking out one of many twenties and handing it across the counter. Keeping the money out, she gave him back the change and he put it into the stack before folding it once more and putting it into his pocket.
"Flashing money like that is dangerous, more than ever now that we have a child" Aniyah said lowly as they found a booth by the window. Placing the car seat in, she took a seat beside Layla.
"Oh yeah, my bad it won't happen again" He replied sliding in facing the door. It hit him how accentuating and life threatening those types of actions are in the world.
It wasn't long before their ice cream rolls were done causing for Tj to go get them. Reaching the table he placed Aniyahs in front of her along with a spoon in plastic before taking a seat in front of her.
She placed the phone down before beginning to take the spoon out of its plastic. Mid taking the spoon out Layla started to get a bit fussy, so unbuckling her car seat she took her arms out before placing the pacifier back into her mouth.
"I really want to go to a drive in movie theater, I've never been before" she said taking the spoon out of the plastic.
"Is there any here?" he asked as he took a spoon full of ice cream, whipped topping, and a small slice of banana and put it into his mouth.