Part 6

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"Do great bubba I love you" I gave him a hug.

"Love you too" he replied as we did our handshake. He then went back inside the locker room. Walking out onto the field with the other cheerleaders the tension was honestly so thick that you could cut it with a knife. We practiced our cheers a little until the boys came out and we then got in formation.

"Let's go bubba" I yelled

"Yeah" I yelled as he scored a touchdown and the girlies where mad but it is what it is. I'm going to continue to support him whether with like it or not.

He started doing the Dougie and that dude so funny. It was now halftime after a long second quarter they scored 3 touch downs and got every field goal. Taking a seat on the bench beside me I gave him a high five because obviously he was amazing.

"You did great" I handed him a cold Gatorade.


Everyone piled onto the football field. We won 26-0 because they were obviously no competition because our boys won effortlessly. We all decided to go eat as in all I mean the cheerleaders and football players.
Tj changed and came back out but I really didn't have to change because us cheerleaders are keeping our uniforms on for the rest of the night.

"Aye meet us at Buffalo Wild Wings" Tj yelled to everybody as they got ready to go to their cars.
He let me get on his back on the way to the car.

"Bubba stop I'm gonna fall" I laughed as he acted as though he was gonna drop me from his back.

"Okay okay" he laughed and finally reaching the car he put me down and opened my door. Getting in I put my seatbelt on and waited for him to get it. Getting in he put his seatbelt on and started to the restaurant. Soon arriving there everyone got out and went inside. Ordering barbecue wings he ordered hot wings and we decided to share a basket of fries.

We went and found a 2 seat table and sat at it as everybody else took their seat around the area.

Grabbing his hand I took a picture of him as he did the same. We both posted the picture with the caption D8! My point of view cute right? Yeah I know.

"Can I taste that?" I asked grabbing his drink.

"You already have it so yeah" he laughed. We don't have a problem drink after one another. The waitress bought us our food and I was so hungry too.

"We really need to plan when we get to the house" I put a fry in my mouth.

"Yeah cause we have a lot to get done. We're kinda late" he took a bit of his wing. I grabbed one of his wings cause watch this

"Aniyah" he stopped chewing as I bit the wing.

"Here you can have it back" I laughed as I tried handing it to him.

"I don't want it eat it" he pushed my hand back. I shrugged my shoulders and ate it. We talked to each other and others. Mostly each other though. We were our own company. We enjoyed us better than we enjoyed the company of the others around us.

I'd see Ren looking at me from time to time but I never really paid it any mind though. Lost in my train of thought Tj turned my head towards him.

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