Big Brother. (Part I)

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It had been exactly 2 weeks since it had happened.

As Tony layed in bed, memories galloped through his mind like an unwanted visitor.

Tony found himself back in the dark, barely lit alleyway, cradling the limp body of his dying son, rocking back and forth.

His son held onto his father's jacket as if it was the only thing that could keep him alive. Tony whispered soothing things into his boy's ear, voice trembling and unstable.

The memories of that fateful night had etched themselves into Tony's mind. The blood being the most vivid,
coming from multiple gun wounds in his kid's chest.

Peter's eyes fluttered slightly. Breath no more than a wheeze as he looked up to his mentor, his father. He wouldn't make it, they both knew.

"Dad.." Peter whispered as he looked into his father's brown eyes.

"I'm sorry."

Peter's fingers slipped from his dad's grip slowly as the boy took his final breath, his eyelids slightly twitching.

Then he was still, his dull eyes staring at the night sky as the raindrops rolled of his cheeks.

Tony screamed, clutching his child to his chest. He didn't stop. Not even when the Avengers arrived. Not even when Steve Rogers pulled him into a tight hug.

After an hour they had arrived at the Avengers lounge. Tony entered the lab and told FRIDAY to not let anyone inside. Tony walked over to his liquor cabinet and took out a bottle of the strongest alcohol inside.

The Avengers didn't see Tony for two weeks.

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