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It's astonishing what a little internet fame can do to your reputation. When his days consisted of either being ignored or ridiculed, Jungkook hated high school. The only attention the teen would garner would be taunts from his peers for either his curvy form or budding sexuality. Otherwise, he felt invisible. The only one who cared for Jungkook was Jimin. The two had been friends since they were toddlers, living right next door to each other. Everything was perfect until high school.

Jimin was the type of boy that was moderately sociable throughout their childhood, but totally blossomed once they reached high school. Jungkook watched as before his eyes, his once slightly nerdy best friend transformed into a young man that all the high school girls fawned over. Being two years older, Jimin was half-way done with high school by the time Jungkook had culminated middle school.

On Jungkook's first day of high school, he clung to Jimin and his group of upperclassmen friends. While the two were so very close, Jungkook had to admit he noticed the rift between them caused by time. Everyone loved Jimin. Charismatic, handsome, kind, the whole package. Jungkook had become Jimin's "little brother or something". No one cared enough to get to know him.

When Jimin came out as gay, everyone congratulated him for his bravery and showered him in support. Jungkook never properly came out before TikTok, yet he was still bullied for being gay. As time went by, he found it harder and harder to escape from his life as Jimin's shadow.

Of course, this was not Jimin's fault. He had no control over others and their actions, but Jungkook couldn't help but feel the tiniest bit resentful towards his best friend deep down.

It wasn't until that Jungkook made a name for himself on TikTok did things change. Presenting himself in artsy and charming ways online brought him not only joy, but the positive attention he was deprived of. Jimin graduated, and Jungkook rose to fame. Other guys were finally interested in him, mostly for mindless hookups, of course, but still interested nonetheless. He went along with this, refusing to acknowledge the pain it caused.

Although it seemed like a dream come true, Jungkook was aware of the truth. These teens didn't like Jungkook for him, the way they admired Jimin. They used him for their own shot at internet fame.

"Hey, Jungkook! Let's do a TikTok real quick! Come on, man!"

"Jungkook, I'll be quick I swear, just let me record this!"

"What do you mean 'no'? You post all the time, you can't just have one with me in it? Rude."

It never ceased. Never improved. All Jungkook was sure of was that when he turned 18, he was getting the hell out of Busan and away from all these shallow asshats. Would he take Jimin with him? At this point, he wasn't too sure.

He loved Jimin with all his heart, the older had cared for him when his parents didn't, but the thought of continuing his life always feeling second best was downright nauseating.

Taehyung was coming to visit for the first time in two weeks. Summer had come to an end, and both were now preoccupied with school. Jimin found this to be the perfect opportunity to finally meet the first boy to win Jungkook's heart.


Taehyung and Jungkook laid in the younger's bed, naked under thin sheets. Getting intimate had exhausted the both of them. Taehyung stared deeply at his small lover with worried eyes.

"What's wrong, beautiful? Did you not enjoy it? Did I do something wrong?" He asked cautiously, rubbing Jungkook's back.

"No, no, it's not that. I just—I just wonder if you think about me..as much as I think about you." Jungkook said softly and honestly.

"Kook, don't be silly. You're all that's ever on my mind, angel. You know this." Taehyung let out almost laughing.

"And you don't ever admire or fantasize about being with other guys—or girls—or—" Jungkook stammered, tearing up.

Taehyung's eyes widened in confusion and worry at his boyfriend's sudden display of wild insecurity. He wrapped his arm around the younger as Jungkook buried his face in his chest.

"I have eyes for only you, angel. Never think otherwise." Taehyung whispered, holding me close.

He was dying to ask what had triggered Jungkook's little episode, but as he learned more about his lover, he realized that Jungkook would tell him if it was truly important.

He hoped Jungkook would tell him.

I'm so so sorry this chapter is a bit short and underwhelming, I've been super busy with school lately, but I'll try to make the next one extra long if I can, to make up for it. 💜

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