-love pt. 1-

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"No offense, bun, but that's the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard." Jimin huffed.

Jungkook stared wildly at him, face red and puffy from crying.

"At least take me seriously, hyung! I've been feeling this way for a long time." he cried.

"I am, Kook," Jimin said a little softer this time. "I'm just struggling with the fact that you always kept this buried. It's so unexpected I just can't believe it. First of all, I am far from perfect. I am far from hypnotizing or whatever crazy word you used. I'm just really extroverted, so engaging with people has always come naturally to me. What happened with Taehyung was never my intention, I'd never hurt you like that. I'm just confident in myself I guess, something I now realize you really aren't."

Jimin lowered his head, shaking it in disapproval. He remained silent for a moment, deep in thought. Jungkook froze and watched him carefully. This was one of the few truly emotional reactions he managed to garner from Jimin in all the time he's known him. The older sighed, raising his head to meet eyes with Jungkook.

"Seriously, Kook," he breathed out. "Who the fuck convinced you that you aren't the extraordinary person you are?"

Jungkook didn't respond. The hurt look on Jimin's face stung the younger's heart. Perhaps Jungkook had forgotten how much Jimin truly did care about him, when no one else did. He dropped his shoulders, sighing as he crawled into Jimin's lap. Jimin chuckled softly.

"I've always loved how affectionate you are," he mused, stroking Jungkook's hair. "And how easily you let me reciprocate that affection. My cute little bunny. You are so special in every way. Beautiful, sweet, smart and more. Don't listen to anyone who tells you otherwise, because they're just jealous of all that charm you've got. Don't let anyone make you feel like you are less important than anyone else. Because you aren't. Not me, not anyone. You shine brighter than all of us, Kook." Jimin said soberly, eyes glittering.

Jungkook nodded, noticing how Jimin began to grip him tighter. Tears welled up in the older's eyes.

"Hyung? Are-are you cry—"

"No, I'm not."

Jungkook let out his loud, high pitched laugh, causing Jimin to giggle as well.

Before freeing Jungkook from his tight grasp, Jimin gave him one final sentiment.

"And, bun?"

"Yes, hyung?"

"Don't ever hold in your feelings. I'm always here for you, so please don't hide things from me. If you do, or if you don't want to talk to me, I can accept that. Just please don't hold in anything, it's not good for you. I care about you so much. I love you, you know."

Jungkook smiled at him fondly, deeply appreciating how he had opened up for him.

"Ok, hyung, I promise. And I love you, too."

The two sat together in a comfortable silence. A warm feeling filled Jungkook's chest. Not similar to the way Taehyung made him feel, but as if he was being protected, cared for and adored. The overwhelming sadness that loomed over Jungkook whenever he talked with Jimin had managed to melt away. He felt so grateful to have the best friend he once felt inferior to. All of this love was so pleasant and exciting.

"Jiminie hyung," Jungkook crooned, grinning widely with his bunny teeth. "Do you think Taehyungie loves me?"

Jimin sucked in a sharp breath. He thought back on his first interaction with Taehyung, and how unloyal and confident he seemed flirting with Jimin right in front of Jungkook. Then he also thought back on how quickly Taehyung had dropped everything to find his boyfriend after Jungkook was upset. How he, according to Kook, had found the younger so easily. Jimin couldn't forget the bewildered look of panic and regret on Taehyung's face as he raced out the door.

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