-first time taste-

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Taehyung really did catch the very next train to Busan. In preparation for his arrival, Jungkook got ready. Taking a shower, fixing his hair nicely, and putting on the cutest outfit he could think of. He felt the need to impress Taehyung more greatly than he normally would. Perhaps it's because they've both realized their feelings for each other, but Jungkook can't help but completely stress over his appearance right now. He decided to wear his favorite sweater, a large white one that was soft to the touch and studded with little jewels. He glanced at his chest of makeup products. A little wouldn't hurt, right?

Delicately, Jungkook smoothed on some lipgloss and admired at how the shiny gloss brought not only volume to his small, pretty lips, but also a sweet, rosy tint. So kissable.

He continued by putting blush across his cheeks and nose, bringing back the color to his once emotionally exhausted face. Jungkook stared in the mirror. His usual self-confidence felt a little low, butterflies filled his stomach at the thought of seeing Taehyung, but also because of what Taehyung would think of him.

As expected, after two hours, Taehyung arrived.


"Wow." Taehyung said, wide eyed. He had sat down on Jungkook's living room couch.

"So, you're only 17 and you live all by yourself, Kook?" he asked, looking around at the lonely house.

"Yeah," Jungkook chuckled. "But don't pity me or anything. I really don't mind it. It's a lot freedom and I think it's pretty cool."

"You don't ever get lonely?"

Jungkook thought back to all his previous hookups. He never really felt alone in this house, only because he was always bringing some guy over. Either some random one-night-stand or Jimin to keep him company. For a long time, that had felt like enough.

"Nope." he said simply.

Taehyung hesitantly nodded, obviously skeptical. Jungkook tried again.

"Like, if my parents were here right now, you wouldn't be able to be." he said softly.

He stared into Taehyung's wide, warm eyes. Taehyung audibly gulped, and straightened up.

"I—I never got to tell you." Taehyung blurted out.

Jungkook raised his eyebrows. He noticed how flustered Taehyung had become, avoiding eye contact and a soft red glow spreading across his cheeks.

"The kiss. That—that we shared. I really liked it, Kookie. And.."

"And?" Jungkook muttered breathlessly.

Taehyung shifted uncomfortably in his seat, his blush deepening.


"I want to do it again." Taehyung said quickly, looking deep into Jungkook's eyes.

The pair wasted no time, both leaning in and pressing their lips together. Taehyung wrapped his hands around Jungkook's waist and he slipped his tongue into his mouth. Jungkook whimpered and allowed their tongues to collide.

"God, you taste so sweet." Taehyung groaned, breaking their kiss to catch his breath. Jungkook was laying on top of him on the couch.

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