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Taehyung kept his word and stayed with Jungkook throughout the entire week. Despite missing several classes at his college, the sociable teen figured he had enough friends to cover for him, sending him notes from lectures and more. It was just one week after all. Who knows when the next time he'd be able to see Jungkook would be?


The pair sat down at a small table at the end of the food court. Just like a typical Friday, the mall was filled with teens and adults alike. Taehyung watched, mildly disgusted, but overall contently as Jungkook scarfed down on their shared pizza all by himself. Chewing loudly, with a smudge of tomato sauce near his lip, Jungkook directed more food into his mouth. Taehyung couldn't help but grin at how Jungkook's cheeks expanded when he ate, making him look like a cute little bunny.

"Slow down, babe," Taehyung joked. "The pizza's not going anywhere."

Jungkook rolled his eyes, feeling a little insulted.

"It sure is going somewhere." He shot back. "Straight into mah mouth." He giggled, devouring another piece.

Taehyung must have accidentally worn some sort of disapproving expression, because Jungkook's smile quickly faded. He pushed the rest of the pizza towards Taehyung.

"Ah, sorry I ate so much. You can have the rest of it." Jungkook said sheepishly, feeling embarrassed all of the sudden.

Taehyung realized he must have upset him. Jungkook is never one to push away a good meal. Unless he's upset, of course.

"Nah, I'm good, babe. No need to apologize! A boy with an appetite is a sexy thing, if you wanna eat, go for it." Taehyung said smiling reassuringly.

Taehyung was slowly realizing that he often had to be really careful with his words when communicating with his little boyfriend. The younger got upset or embarrassed easily, and while making him flustered was a bit of a turn on for Taehyung, he was determined to help Jungkook with his confidence and self-esteem. Prior to making their relationship official, Taehyung honestly didn't know too much about Jungkook. As they continued sailing through their honeymoon phase, Taehyung was learning about all of Jungkook's little quirks, and so far, he loves and appreciates every single one.
Taehyung wiped the sauce from Jungkook's face with his finger, licking it off after.

"Gross." Jungkook mumbled, cheeks full of food.

"Says the one talking with his mouth full." Taehyung teased.


Many people have a happy place. Somewhere that negativity fails to thrive. For Taehyung, he discovered that his happy place was Jungkook's bedroom, specifically his bed. This was slightly troubling, considering his current favorite place to be was hours away. There was just something so serene about his boyfriend's bed, and the time he spent in it. Whether the pair were making love in it, cuddling, sharing sweet, deep conversations under the covers, or anything else, Taehyung always felt his heart swell with joy upon being with Jungkook.
The younger's bed smelled so sweetly of vanilla and gardenia flowers, just like him. Taehyung held him close, inhaling deeply, wanting to drown in the pleasant scent. They had been talking softly for an hour now, limbs wrapped around each other. It was Saturday night, Taehyung would be gone on Sunday.

"So your parents approve of you just taking off?" Taehyung asked.

"Well, they're going to have to. I'll be eighteen, so there's nothing they can do about it. Sure, I basically have a house to myself already for free, but I need a change in scenery. Ah, it's so hard to explain. I just—I just would rather have to pay rent somewhere else, somewhere better, than live miserably here for free. I never want to see any of the jerks in this town again, if I can."

Taehyung nodded silently, in agreement and understanding.

"So then, what will you do after?" He asked cautiously.

Jungkook's eyes sparkled, a faint smile spread across his face.

"I'll tell you, but promise you won't laugh."

"Never, my love."

"I want to be a singer. I want to sing for people all over the world. Jimin always says my singing is the most calming thing in the world. I want to share it with people." Jungkook said softly, pensive as his doe eyes bore into Taehyung's.

Taehyung grinned, relishing the joy in Jungkook's face. What a gorgeous dream. The perfect fit for such a gorgeous boy.

"Ah," Taehyung sighed. "No wonder your moans sound like music to my ears."


"I'm kidding, angel. But honestly, I wish you'd sing for me sometime. I'm sure Jimin is absolutely right."

Jungkook intertwined their hands.

"I will, Taehyungie. When I'm ready."

Taehyung pressed a soft kiss to Jungkook's forehead.

"Of course, baby."


Taehyung awoke to some sort of small movement against his body. It was Jungkook stirring in his sleep. Taehyung rolled over to quickly check the time. 1:42 am. He rolled back around to cuddle Jungkook. The younger let out a small whimper, body still moving. Taehyung pulled him closer, shushing him softly in an attempt to comfort the sleeping boy.

"Mm..Taehyungie.." Jungkook moaned softly.

He began to buck his hips, pushing his ass against Taehyung's front. Taehyung froze, eyes widening, not making a sound. Jungkook continued.

Is Jungkook really...having one of those dreams...about him?

"Ngh! H-harder!" Jungkook whined, slightly louder now.

The friction against him, coupled with Jungkook's needy whines was so damn arousing. Taehyung felt his cock harden immediately. He couldn't believe the sight before him, wishing it was daytime so he could see the usual blush across his boyfriend's cheeks whenever they were intimate. Jungkook flipped around, now desperately humping Taehyung's thigh, breathing heavily in uneven little pants. Taehyung allowed this, watching hungrily and waiting for the moment he could gently wake Jungkook up, and make his dream a reality.

r.i.p. to kook's ass next chapter 🤭
(just kidding. maybe. 😉)


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