-the quiet-

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Something so unheard of for fans of Taehyung that it became worrisome. The bubbly, charming, blonde teen had posted TikToks almost daily since he joined the app. It didn't matter if it was fifteen seconds of Taehyung eating a sandwich, or yawning, or simply grinning at the camera with no explanation, he was always posting something. This week had become a startling exception.

That night at the train station, after their kiss, Jungkook waited. For the entire next day, he waited. While desperate for an explanation, Jungkook restrained himself from contacting Taehyung. Whatever was going through Taehyung's head, Jungkook felt sure that he needed time to contemplate, most likely not wanting to talk to the cause of his sudden epiphany. However, by the sixth day of no one hearing from Taehyung, Jungkook felt his patience expire. He wasn't even posting anything on any of his social media. While his time of being close to Taehyung was fairly short, he was absolutely aware of how unusual this was. Thousands of fans flooded all of Taehyung's social media accounts with comments asking if he was okay.

Jungkook was feeling a great deal of pain as well. The sudden loss of Taehyung's texts every morning hit him harder than he ever would have anticipated. The terrified look on Taehyung's face after their kiss was the last image he had of him, and it kept replaying in Jungkook's head. He tried to ignore it, picturing Taehyung giggling. Taehyung with Jungkook's face paint, fidgeting in his seat. Taehyung humming a sweet tune while cooking pancakes. Taehyung calling Jungkook pretty.

Tears welled up in Jungkook's eyes as white noise filled his ears. It was too quiet. Taehyung consumed him. Every thought during every minute. Jungkook had enough.

jkjeonn: Tae. I'm still not sure about what's wrong. I've tried giving you your space, but I'm worried at this point. If you want to stop talking to me, I understand. Just please, tell me you're okay. Do anything. Please. Then I'll leave you alone forever if you want.

Ten minutes passed. No response. Frustrated, Jungkook finally acknowledged all of the unread messages in his DMs. So many good-looking men Jungkook barely knew. Some were just sweet and flirty like Yugyeom, others revealing nasty attitudes, demanding to know why Jungkook had yet to text them back. Engaging with all these men, whether it was to hook up, or simply text out of boredom, began to lose it's charm. Jungkook stared at his phone in disgust. Something that once brought him so much pleasure rapidly became more and more unappealing. He blocked all of them, even the nice ones. There was only one person he wanted to talk right now.

As if on cue, Jungkook's laptop screen lit up.

Incoming FaceTime: Tae✨

Jungkook's stomach felt as if it were tied in knots. He felt frozen once again. This initial flash of fear quickly passed, however, as he straightened himself up, and answered.

The sight before him was so unexpected and painful to see. On his screen, Taehyung wore the most, heartbreaking, dejected look on his face that Jungkook had ever seen. His once bright, warm eyes were now filled with large tears, some streaming down his porcelain cheeks. His eyes and nose had turned a soft shade of red. His typically strong-looking features contorted as his expression crumpled into a look of pure sorrow.

"K-Kookie, I'm—I'm so sorry." Taehyung sobbed.

Jungkook was holding back tears at this point. He tried to compose himself.

"Oh, Tae, it's okay. You've done nothing wrong. Why are you so upset? Talk to me." he said softly.

Taehyung cleared his throat.

"I—that night. I don't know what came over me. Our weekend together. It was just so much fun, Kookie. You made me feel so happy, and you're just so pretty—" Taehyung said quickly before sucking in a sharp breath. He realized he was rambling.

"Continue, Tae," Jungkook reassured him. "It's okay."

"You make feel strange, Kook. I've never seriously thought about being with a guy, ever. But you make me feel like I have to make you mine."

Jungkook's eyes widened as Taehyung continued.

"So, what, am I gay now? I don't understand, Kook. Ever since I was young I dreamt about the day I'd see my beautiful future bride walk down the aisle. I've dreamt about being with someone female, Kook. But now, all I can think about is you."

They stared at each other for a moment, neither speaking. Taehyung refused to look away.

"I think I like you, Kookie. I don't understand it, and I'm scared, but I think—no, I do. I like you." he said firmly.

The usual, confident tone his voice possessed had returned.

Jungkook burst into tears. Taehyung looked frightened.

"Oh no, oh Kookie! I'm sorry! I shouldn't have dumped this all on you, I'm sorry—"

"Kim Taehyung, be quiet!" Jungkook cried. "I haven't gotten a proper night's rest in six days.
Why? Because of you! I can't get you out of my head! The more I get to know you, the worse I feel without you near me. I like you, Tae. A lot, I believe. Don't ever pull that shit again, talk to me next time, or I'll kick your ass!" he blubbered, feeling awfully childish.

Taehyung's mouth twisted into a shy smile. He allowed Jungkook to catch his breath.

As if reading each other's minds, Taehyung spoke.

"I'll catch the next available train." he whispered.

Jungkook nodded in agreement, wiping away his tears.

I asked a good friend of mine to critique my work, and one thing she said was that I should write longer chapters! I kinda agree with her, and I'll try doing that in future chapters. I was also thinking about adding more pictures in this story! 😁

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