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"I love you, Taehyung."

These four words caused Taehyung to freeze, hesitating to lock eyes with the one who had said it.
The night was cool and dark, with only street lamps illuminating the way for the young, teen couple. Taehyung scratched the back of his head, searching for words.

"And I.." Taehyung trailed. "I-I care about you a lot, Jihyo."

The wide-eyed, gorgeous girl in front of him frowned. She stared expectantly at Taehyung, wanting more.


"And what?"

Taehyung dropped his head, staring awkwardly at the ground. After a moment of thick silence, the girl spoke up.

"Taehyung," she said softly, lip trembling. "Do you not love me?"

"Jihyo, love is a strong word. A-and I don't think we're at that point. Trust me, you don't love me either. We're just having fun, you know—"

"No, Taehyung, I don't know. We've been together for a year, and I, personally, could see us being together for much longer. I can't believe you don't feel the same way." Jihyo cried, tears spilling out from her large eyes.

"We're seventeen, and just having fun, babe." Taehyung repeated. "Dating doesn't equate to love, marriage, and babies." he retorted, before cringing at the harshness of his words.

"People who are dating can love each other, Tae. You don't have to be married with children to feel devoted, and romantically attached to someone." She shot back through hiccuping sobs. "You would know that if you had a heart!"

As the broken-hearted girl pushed him away and walked home, Taehyung let her go. Should he have lied to her? Hid from her that he harbored nothing more than feelings of physical attraction towards her? Taehyung bit his lip, astonished at how he had no desire to win Jihyo back.
Jihyo wasn't the first girl Taehyung had devastated by rejecting their "I love you"s.

You would know that if you had a heart!

The words lingered in the teen's mind. Taehyung had a heart, just not really for any of the girls he's been with so far. One day, he'll meet a girl that he truly loves, a girl that will be his whole world, he's sure of it.

Little did Taehyung know that two years later he'd find that love in the small, doe-eyed boy nestled in his arms.


Taehyung would never admit it, but his TikTok fans scared him sometimes. Upon his rise to fame, fans from who knows where managed to dig up his old school pictures, track down his family member's social media accounts, and more. Jungkook agreed that while most were cheerful and supportive, many were frightening.
As flattering as it was to have dedicated fans, the pair grew tired of the constant speculation that they had broken up if Taehyung would post videos with his female friends or vice versa.
It almost made their distance even more painful, being constantly reminded that they were apart majority of the time. Despite living not too far from each other, school had caught up with them both, and they were unable to see each other for weeks at a time. Jungkook never wanted to talk about it, out of fear of what might arise, but he felt like Taehyung had become more distant lately. It seemed as if the older had become less enthusiastic about their daily video chats. Less desperate to plan the next weekend they could spend together. It hurt. What was going through Taehyung's head?


Jungkook. Exploring London with Jungkook. Dinners in Paris with Jungkook. Jungkook wearing a suit. Jungkook wearing nothing.
Taehyung wanted it all.
The problem was, how could he be sure his little boyfriend wanted the same? The two hadn't gone too in depth with each other about their romantic pasts, but Taehyung knew that he was Jungkook's first serious boyfriend. Should he risk scaring him off with a confession of love? Taehyung couldn't take that chance. Jungkook was like a breath of fresh air for the teen. The younger had managed to shift his perspective on things in new, exciting ways. Taehyung felt constantly filled with joy, and he couldn't fathom losing him. Might as well keep things the same, right? With a heavy heart, he tried to shift his focus off the subject.


"Your birthday's coming up, bun." Jimin whispered, wrapping Jungkook into a soft hug.

"Yeah, like in a month, hyung." Jungkook chuckled.

"That counts as 'coming up'! Do you have any idea of what you want, or what you'd like to do?"

"I want Taehyung." Jungkook mumbled, smile fading.

"Aw, bunny," Jimin cooed, stroking Jungkook's hair. "You'll see him soon. I'm sure of it."

"I-I know we never really talked about it," Jungkook stammered. "Mostly because I didn't want to, and I thank you for respecting that. But remember back when you met Tae, and he just flirted with you right in front of me?"

Jimin looked uncomfortable.

"And you flirted back? I've forgiven you for that, because I know that you're naturally just a flirty person." Jungkook continued, rolling his eyes.


"But I've been thinking. If he so easily acted that way with me present, I can't help but wonder how he acts when I'm not around." Jungkook said, tears welling up in his eyes.

"Don't, Kook—"

"What if he's been distant lately because I'm not enough for him? What if he's realized that I can't compete with people like you, and he just doesn't know how to break it to me that he just doesn't—"

"Damnit, Jungkook," Jimin yelled suddenly. "Just listen to me, alright! I don't know where you got this idea that I'm on some higher level than you, but stop it. Stop it now. No one thinks that, I'm sure Taehyung doesn't think that. I'll be honest with you, I've never seen you be such an emotional wreck in all the years I've known you. Does this boy really have this much of an effect on you, or am I missing something?"

Jungkook sniffled. He lifted his head to stare into Jimin's concerned eyes. He didn't want to resent Jimin; this conversation was bound to happen sooner than later.

"You're missing something." Jungkook conceded weakly.

Jimin nodded, throwing his arms around Jungkook.

"Then let's talk about it, bun. We can focus on your boy problems later. You come first."

Remember when I used to update daily?? Lmaooo
With school, that's become nearly impossible, sorry :(( Also, I feel like my story has been back-to-back smut recently, and while that's not bad, I'm still writing a story, so I feel like this chapter needed to explore more conflicts and not just be Taekook sexy time lol :)) I want to write the next chapter as soon as possible!! Please stay tuned 💜

—————————————Remember when I used to update daily?? LmaoooWith school, that's become nearly impossible, sorry :(( Also, I feel like my story has been back-to-back smut recently, and while that's not bad, I'm still writing a story, so I feel like t...

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