-little flowers-

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Jungkook splashed warm water on his face, scrubbing his cheeks.

"All that shit you paint on your face cannot be good for your skin!" Jimin yelled from the living room.

"Oh shut up," Jungkook said flatly. "My followers love when I do this."

"I'm sure your followers wouldn't love to see you with tons of acne." Jimin replied.

Jungkook returned from the bathroom, checking his phone. His newest TikTok posted twenty minutes ago already had three-hundred thousand likes. Jungkook frowned.

"What the hell? Usually I'd have half a million likes by now. What did I do wrong?"

"Maybe I'm right, and your followers are sick of you drawing little flowers on your face while lip-syncing to shitty indie songs." Jimin laughed.

"Shut up, this is serious."

"Maybe, you should be less of a soft boi. It gets a little boring after a while. Try spicing it up! Be a little edgy, like Kim Taehyung for example."

"Who?" Jungkook said sharply.

Jimin gasped. "You don't know Kim Taehyung? He's only the biggest eboy on TikTok right now!"

Jungkook scoffed, pulling out his phone. He searched up Kim Taehyung on TikTok and was greeted with a handsome teen, loaded with followers. It seemed like while Taehyung enjoyed having an "eboy" aesthetic, he didn't often stick to it, sporting many different styles in equally popular and successful videos. He also had many comedic TikToks, to Jungkook's surprise. He kept scrolling and scrolling until—

"Hey! He's coming for my brand!" whined Jungkook.

There was Kim Taehyung, singing while putting little heart shaped stickers all over his cheeks in a successful attempt to look cute and innocent. Jimin peered over at Jungkook's phone.

"Jungkook, you don't own the idea of TikTok gays putting shit on their face."

"Well I'm the most popular one doing it!" He snapped. "Wait, you think he's gay?"

"Eh, I take it back. Seems pretty hetero to me actually." Jimin said.

Jungkook studied Taehyung more closely. He was pretty handsome. A charming, highly symmetrical face. A cute, boxy smile. Broad shoulders and big brown seductive eyes. He also seemed not straight. Jungkook's gaydar is usually pretty accurate, if he does say so himself. Maybe he was bi? If he was gay or bi or pan, just imagine how hot it would be if him and Jungkook were to—

"You think he's hot, don't you?" Jimin interjected, pulling Jungkook from his fantasy.

"What!? No, no!! Total fuckboy, I'm sure of it. Total hetero. No way." He said quickly.

"Mhm, sure."

"Hey! You know how good I am at reading people."

Jimin snorted. "Yeah, I sure do, you whore. You sure are 'good' with people."

"Do not slut-shame me, Park Jimin."

"I'm not," sighed Jimin. "I just think it's strange how you can hook up with so many guys and never catch feelings. Like have you ever had a crush? Or been in love? Or in a real relationship before?"

"Nope!" Jungkook said, unfazed.

Jimin shook his head. "Well, I hope for your sake, you'll find your Prince Charming some day. But for now, stop stalking the hetero."

Jungkook stopped scrolling through Taehyung's TikToks.

"You're right...guess I'll just DM him!" he smiled.

Jimin groaned and walked away.

Wooo writing is so exciting! I hope people will read this story 🥺

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