Just Testing You

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I started to do me honestly because you know they say they don't want you until you're with someone else. So I stopped sweating Blaze and went on about my life someone approach me so be it but as for now I'm focused on school. As the weeks go by I start to notice a guy more and more we just make eye contact here and there but it's like I see him everywhere. The first time I saw him was at my job never saw him at school before but now I do maybe he's a new student. I'm still thinking about this one guy it's weird he has a different style he seems like a bad boy but he's a loner he does things on his own he doesn't really have friends. He leaves during lunch then comes back. I get my thought back like oh shit I'm supposed to be doing work I look up and everyone is gone I was so stuck on thinking about this one guy I didn't even hear the bell ring I look up and see Mr.Donnavan looking at me like why exactly are you still here. I smile and say bye and rush to locker I text Sasha and tell her I'm coming to spend lunch with her. It's like a 20 minute drive to her school so I take my time putting my stuff up. I go to close my locker and the guy is standing there and goes Hey he scared the mess out of me my heart was racing and I just didn't know how to react. He looks confused and goes uh you okay and flashes a smile and boom I loose it all over again. This man a a perfect smile and he just smelled soo good I did my best to not get lost in his looks so I look up and go oh no I'm fine just recovering from a mini heart attack but is there something I can help you with? He giggles a goes maybe your number or Snapchat??? If you're down with it. I look at him side ways well I don't give my number to strangers I've seen you around but I still have no idea who you are. He smiles woah easy now I'm not a killer or something. 🙄(sounds like something a killer would say). Well I'm not lol i look at him and go oh shit said that out loud and he goes yea but I'm Adrian and you are.... Jazmyne but you're gonna have to walk and talk cause I've got to meet someone. Oh so you've got a boyfriend? No even tho that's none of your business. You seem like the angry type I was just asking you don't have to be rude about it. Yea whatever do you need something or not because I have to go like now. He laughs and goes no I guess I'll see you later in the day. I get to the car as I'm backing out he's standing there watching me leaves then he makes a phone call. It's weird but at the same time none of my business. Who watches someone back off and make a call while watching like walk off you creep. I head to the school and park and wait for Sasha. She comes out and gets in girl look at you driving around looking fancy now you can drive me around while I sit back and relax. I laugh and tell her nah we saving gas over here she laughs as we pull up to this little hole in the wall Italian restaurant. We get inside pick a booth it's quiet no ones really here yet so I order sweet tea and chicken Alfredo while we wait for the food we talk a little and then I tell her about the guy we saw in the shop that day trying to get her to remember him. after about five minutes she goes ohh him yea I remember so I tell her now how I've seen him at school over the past few weeks and we made eye contact several times but never thought anything of it and how he walked up on me today and followed me out to the car talking and I was like it was weird but it wasn't at the same time and girl he has a beautiful smile it's legit perfect like 🤤 and she laughs and goes you're drooling I say whatever she goes I guess you found your boyfriend...I look at her and go I barely talked to him it was like 5 minutes tops and she goes yes it's official. The waiter showed up with our food were eating she breaks the silence and goes well me and my boyfriend broke up I see the sadness in her eyes and it goes from sad to mad  and then she goes relaxed and I ask since when and she goes well it was made official like a week ago . I look at her sad for her they were soo happy what happened well Two weeks ago I had gotten really sick and I thought I was Pregnant because I couldn't keep nothing down so we bought a test and it came back with a faint positive so I took and set and appointment. When I went to tell him about it he said he wasn't ready for a kid and if I was pregnant it was going up for adoption. My appointment was last week and I found out I wasn't but in that moment I realized I didn't wanna be with him if he didn't wanna keep a child he helped me make he wasn't even there for me he left when I took the first test and told me hit him up after the appointment. So I did and told him it was over. I didn't even know what to say I just looked at her and told her that she didn't have to go alone that she could have called me and told me. She just looks at me and tells me that she didn't want to put that on me. Girl I'm your bestfriend you kill someone I'm coming to help hide the body you're problems are my problems. We finish up leave a tip and I head back to take her to school. I let her know I'll pick her up for work so we can hang out and get dinner and see a movie after we get off. I drop her off and head back to the school I get there park and head inside to my locker I get to my locker and see Blaze I get my things and walk right past him like I don't see him I go through the rest of the day and come to think of it not once do I see Adrian and he said he would see me later weird! I get through class and the rest of the school day and get ready to head out I offer Mia a ride home since I go past it to get home. I get to the house no ones there I get ready for work and head out to get Sasha.

I'm On my way! To you be ready cause ima come in and talk till the last minute I miss my second family.

Bestfriend 🥰🤞🏽💚- They don't want to see you they said you were too ugly for their eyes.

Me- Just hold that thought I'm pulling up cause I'm bout to beat you up for lying they like me more than you.

I cut the car off and walk right in their eyes light up hey Jazmyne how have you been. I laugh and go good how have you been mom and dad? Sasha told me y'all said I was ugly and y'all eyes couldn't look at me or something like that they laugh and go only thing ugly in here is her attitude. We like you more anyway and they hug me and I stick my tongue out and she goes let's go before we're late. I go oh yea and we head out to the car we ride jamming out for a little and then pull up to work and guess who is outside the manager and he goes you're one minute late I don't pay you to be late we ignore him and walk right in clock in and go to work. We've been here like an hour not many people coming by so I just start to do stocking we call the manager to see if we could close up early it's not close to payday so not many people are coming in he said we could close up 2 hours early so we only had 2 hours left to work. We hear the chime go off for the front door and I hear them talking but it gets quiet Then Sasha says I can't give out that kind of information due to safety violations if you leave your name or contact number I can have her contact you when I see her. I just keep working thinking it's a guy here for the girl I did a shit with one night I think she's a prostitute but that's none of my business I keep stocking and Sasha walks back and whispers aye there's a guy here looking for his names Adrian..... I look up like and laugh like why is he here and she goes oh you know him she looks at me and goes you slobbing all on the clothes ima assume it's the guy you were telling me about at lunch. Welch's looks like he will steal so if you gonna talk ima need you to get out there. I laugh and tell her finish stocking and she like yea whatever I walk to the front a smile how my I assist you? He goes by giving me your number since it didnt happen earlier.. I mean I was waiting but I mean I guess you forgot. I laugh and go who said I wanted you to have my number? You could be a stalker we've only spoke today I've seen you around but that's about it. He laughs well Snapchat will do you can block me if things don't go your way.. Then Sasha walks out then goes well I mean if she not tryna up her number I can give you mine even though when I said your name she started drooling back there idk why she hasn't gave you her number. I give her a death glare and say no I wasn't and here's my Snapchat  he scans the code and I pop up and he clicks add. I guess I'll talk to you later...  He walks out and gets on a motorcycle. I thought to myself I knew it he looked the bad boy part..  I smile a little thinking this might actually work. Sasha walks by and goes close your mouth he's gone I look at her and say my mouth wasn't open leave me alone we got  30 minutes left go get the vacuum give yourself something to do other than bother me ima put the money in the safe and close out the drawer. We finish cleaning up and lock up and head to get food we stop by a burger place and get it to go we sneaking this into the movie. The movie ended up being good we laughed making jokes about it before I got to take her home we just sit there and talk about nothing my phone goes off and it's a text from my brother asking me to bring food because Ashley never came home and James is still at work so we head to the burger place and I ask Sasha if she wants to go with me and he's like eh sure why not we get to the house and we feed the kids and I take the baby from Elijah because she's just crying and won't stop so I ask if she has a car seat and I take her with me to take Sasha home so she can fall asleep on the car ride. I get back to the house and tell the kids shower and get ready for bed. I lay the baby down in her crib and take the baby monitor with me while I shower. I get done go get dressed and go back up to get some water and James comes walking in I hand him the baby monitor and he's like wheres Ashley at? I say idk they text me saying she wasn't here and there was no food so I brought them dinner and  gave them baths and put them to bed. He thanks me and heads to bed. I go back down to my room and remember I never added Adrian back on snap so I go and add him back and I got a message in like five minutes and he goes thought you forgot about me 😂 I was waiting all day.  Well it looks like you'll be waiting a little bit longer I'm going to be night 😴.

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