Just A Basic Ass Tuesday

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It started off as a quiet Tuesday there wasn't really much action in the morning. I went to my first few classes and did my work they went by pretty slow today just seemed like it was going to drag. I wasn't really tripping it was just another school day. All I could think about was getting to spend more time with my bestfriend at work so I was fine with boring days at school. I didn't want enemy's I didn't want the drama I just wanted to stay to myself calm and at peace it's better that way. I'm never in drama I don't bother anyone and I keep rude comments to myself but you know sometimes things don't always go as planned. The bell rings which means it's time for lunch I can't decide if I want to go to the cafeteria or the library get a book and eat at the cafe around the corner since I have both lunches. As I walk out the class room I bump right into Dontae almost falling over and I look at him a go well you're in a rush you already missed class while laughing but I don't think anyone noticed you missing because I didn't. He gives me this look and goes you might wanna go the other way and now it's about to be some drama and you don't seem the type. I'm like what and before I could move this small petite girl calls my name from down the hall with a hint of attitude. I roll my eyes because I legit do not have time for this I haven't even been here a month. Dontae goes oh shit it's too late. I look at him like who is this bitch and he goes the "QUEEN of DRAMA" I laugh as soon as she walks up she gets all in my face and goes you must not know who I am to be laughing.  Honestly girl I don't care who you are but you're obviously pressed about me because you know my name 🙄.she just stands there so I tell her look girl move I don't have time for this. So I start to walk away and she tells me that she saw my number in her boyfriends phone. So I'm thinking to myself like who the fuck she talking about and I'm like what? Your number was in Blaze phone so I was asking around because it was a new number and a face I wanted to put to the name. I look her dead in her face and say girl Lmfaoo are you serious right now? Are you that insecure in your relationship that you have to check his phone all the time if he was stepping out on the relationship I see why. I haven't even heard from him he asked for my number and I gave it to him big whoop friends are friends we haven't even had the chance to speak so you don't know if he was going to bring you up or not. He could have asked me to tutor him or find you a gift or make something but here you are being a bitch all in my face when you have no idea who I am. I'd really appreciate it if you walk away now before I hurt your feelings. Me and Dontae walk off & everyone is just standing around quiet as a mouse and Dontae goes bitch no one ever stands up to her every one is scared of her. Boy are you serious scared of what she like a walking stick I'm not worried about her she the one starting shit. I legit haven't even been here a month and she has no idea who I am and walking up on me with an attitude with her I'm coming to you as a woman face ass. He giggles and goes wait until Mia hears about this she is going to lose it because she missed the entire thing play out she cussed her out freshman year because her boyfriend at the time asked Mia for a pencil & one of the Drama queens friends told her that they were flirting in class. & Mia went off on her telling her if she wanted him she could have him and so on it was crazy she never really approaches anyone unless they look weak so I guess she picked the wrong one today. lol boy that girl better leave me alone before I beat her ass I'm not the one I may seem sweet but I'll fight if need be. As soon as we get to the cafeteria Mia is standing right at the door with a knowing look on her face so me being me I just say hey and walk past her and say you not getting food?? So she just stands there and stare at me and goes don't play dumb I've heard the new girl showed out and who else could it be other than you since Blaze ran right into you. Now you have drama and it was Kennedy that started it I just knew it was you. I head you gave her a lil hand full. I looked at her and said I could say the same about you she looks at Dontae boy if you don't quit telling people my business. I was just telling her how she fits in lol I see why y'all clicked so fast y'all both got smart ass mouths and I guess I balance y'all out. We sit down and eat and talk for a little while longer the bell rings they head back to class and I decide I want to grab a book so I head to the library and guess who is coming out. You guessed it Blaze he looks up big smile on his face hey Jazmyne. I walk right past him like this boy got some nerve so he looks confused and follows me back into the library and ask wassup with me and was it something he said so I'm like you need to keep your girlfriend in check because if she comes up to me again it's over. So he's like girlfriend? I'm single I do not have a girlfriend so I tell him about today so he's like yea we're not together so I'm like how does she still have access to your phone to know that my number was added? So he thinks back and goes 🤦🏽‍♂️ I gave her my old iPad awhile back when we were dating and my stuff is still logged in. I'm sorry she's tripping but we're not together and ima go talk to her. I roll my eyes yea go do that. So the rest of the day goes by rather slow school let's out and I go get on the bus and ride home I get there and just chill and start my homework. I didn't have to work today so I just relaxed and put my phone on DND.

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