Almost Summer

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I was in a great mood the weekend was great I spent time with Adrian and my bestfriend. The weekend was soo good I got to school on Monday in a good mood. Well it was good until I stepped foot in the door that's where it all went down hill. I get there and get to my locker as I'm putting my stuff in someone snatches me by my are I turn around and snatch my arm back and it's Blaze and at this point I'm pissed off. I look at him and go what the fuck are you grabbing me for? I'm big mad it has caused a scene and he turns and looks around and then goes I told you to stay away from him. We are in a heated argument about something that doesn't concern him and at that moment Adrian walks up and he gets quiet and then he goes you're gonna stop ignoring my calls and text you'll see what you got yourself into then walks off mad and I'm fucking pissed like he has no right to tell me what I can and can't do. I look at Adrian and tell him I can't go to class I  need to cool off because I can't focus when I'm mad. He tells me to come with him and we go to his bike and I just get on and try to relax he starts it up and I just lay my head on his back and just close my eyes and feel the wind. I'm not exactly sure how I did it but I ended up falling asleep. We got to a spot and like when he moved I woke up not sure how I even held on. It was like a walking trail in a mountain area we were high up and there was a small river and waterfall. and I could see a few tree tops it was relaxing. I just sat for a minute and took it all in we sat quiet for awhile he didn't say anything he just let me sit while leaning on him. After about 15 minutes he speaks up and ask if I want to talk about what was going on before he walked up. I sit up and tell him that Blaze doesn't want me with him and he making it seem like he was a bad person. He just keeps saying that I need to stay away from you and he doesn't even know you. All he ever says is I need to stay away from you, he doesn't say why or even a reason even tho I don't care what he says his opinion of you doesn't matter to me I want to know someone from my eyes what I see my point of view not what someone else says. He looks at me and sighs well it's a lot that goes on in my life that I don't talk about but eventually I will I just hold it in but how's not the time we need to get you back to school I don't want you missing any classes school is important. I laugh and say I lost track of time and we head back to the school he really brings me peace and it's crazy to think a guy I met a month ago brings me peace it's just something about him. We get to the school right before the second bell and I head to my second class. I'm in a much better mood. I get to class and i can't stop thinking about how content I feel with life right now. I'm just me I'm doing good in life and in school. I'm just at a rock right now but it's still good I have a good job and I have everything I want. I get through the rest of my classes ignoring everything around me and I prepare myself for work when I get out because I have to be there 45 min after school let out so I have to rush and change. I don't think Sasha is working today so I'll be working with Jill she's cool but lazy she gets paid to sit there. The last bell rings I head to my locker then to the car so I could get my work clothes and head to work. I get to work it's slow so I start to take inventory. I'm halfway done with the inventory so I go take my fifteen minute break I walk down the strip I work at and go to this little Chinese restaurant. While eating my phone goes off and I've got a text.

Adrian😌- Hey we're going on a official date tonight when you get off

Me- I don't get off till 10 you know that right?

Adrian😌- I know it's fine the place we're going is open late.

Me- Ok little creep I don't remember telling you I got off late but Ok is there a certain way I need to dress?

Adrian😌- Just a Tshirt and jeans will be fine I'll pick you up after you get home and change.

Adrian😌- Dress worm it gets cold at night.

I lock my phone and head back to work we've got 2hrs left we're just sitting around because no ones here and I finished inventory already time moves slow and I'm the last ten minutes someone walkes I'm like damn 🤦🏽‍♀️ welcome her and tell her we're closing in 10. They don't respond but they keep walking towards the back. I'm like weird but what ever I'm watching her in the camera screen she seemed out I click to the outside camera and there's a car in the far corner still running I tell Jill look I'm like something is about to happen she left the car running and came in with her hood on she's stealing I click through the rest of the cameras and don't see her. So all of a sudden I see her come running with a stack of clothes and I hit the lock button to lock the door and she hits the door and we go into the back room and call the cops we pull the camera and she is out there banging on the damn door trying to get out and whoever was in the car left her ass. I laugh a little like who thinks of this shit. The police show up I let them in through the back and she's arrested for theft I had to write up a report. If they thinking ima stock this shit she took off I'm not whoever clock in in the morning got it I should all ready be on my date 🤦🏽‍♀️. It's fucking 10:45 the cops took forever to fucking get here just because she was stealing and it wasn't an armed robbery. I finish up the report and head out to the car Jill is going to wait for the manager to show up. I head to the house and text Adrian.

Me- You can head to pick me up I'm running late tonight was a mess I've got to tell you about it.
I run in the house take a quick shower and throw on my outfit. (Pictured above)

Just as soon as I put my shoes on Adrian text me that he was outside. I spray on some quick perfume and head out. I get to the car and he's waiting on me with my door open I smile and get in as soon as he gets in I ask where we're going  he's like it's a surprise and if he told me it wouldn't be so I'm like where is it if it's gonna be cold I ask a million questions then he just tells me to be quiet. So I get quiet and he goes so how was your day at work. I laugh and go I forgot all about that  I was supposed to tell you why I got off late. This girl came in and tried to steal some clothes and whoever her getaway driver was drove off and left her once they heard police sirens. She looked about 22 ,she had like 150 dollars worth of clothes like she had a huge stack and tried to run out the door I saw her running and locked it and she smacked right into the door and fell back hard it was funny and I kind of felt bad for her. He giggles and goes damn that's fucked up we'll be at the place in about 15 minutes. I sit back relax and enjoy the ride. He goes we're here and I look up it's like a line of trees around us I'm like you not taking me into the woods to kill me are you he laughs and goes no follow me as he opens my door I step out and we walk through the tress it's a restaurant behind the first set of trees and it's soo beautiful. A waiter walks past and goes Adrian wassup. I tilt my head a little and go mhm must bring all your girlfriends here and laugh. He goes no only the special ones with a straight face and I can't do nothing but smile. We walk in and he says elevator or stairs I smile brightly stairs id like to site see and he goes okay this way we get to the steps and he goes it's gonna be a long walk. I'm just so amazed at the sight a restaurant in the trees It's so beautiful they have string lights everywhere leading the way and wrapped around trees. We went up about 6 floors man I was tired but I could hear water and I looked up and there was a waterfall in between the trees it was soo beautiful. We sit at a table a girl walks up and says she's prettier than you described. He laughs I know I sit quietly watching them interact then she turns around and goes I'm sorry dear he's rude I'm Andrea his twin sister the better half.. He laughs and tells her to go away she tells him don't be a hater and that someone would be back to take the order. A really small girl comes back to take our order and goes Hi Adriannnnn with a big smile on her face. I didn't saying anything I was just watching him interact with people but this was different he seemed tense. She asked what would he be having and he said two sweet teas and for the food well take the special please. She says okay I'll be back with your drinks I'll take the menus and she turns and smiles at me and walks off. He looks at me confused and goes why are you looking at me?  I was just watching how you interact with people. You act a different way with different people. & who just took our order she was happy to see you but you weren't to sure about her he goes well she's rude half the time and I didn't know if she was going to say something to you. You're slowly meeting the people I know and I don't want no bad first impressions or thinking I'm crazy. The drinks and a side salad comes first. We talk and then the lasagna and garlic bread come out & it's honestly it's my favorite. It smells soo good I'm enjoying my food I hear Adrian talking but I can't reply lol I'm all in for food. I look up and laugh ok I'm all ears he goes well I was just asking if you were enjoying it but clearly you are. I smile and say lasagna is my favorite meal. We finish eating and just talk for a little while just about little thing we're just talking about family and he seems really close with his and that good in my eyes. He tells me let's go we got school In the morning. As always I loose track of time with him. We walk over to the rail and take a picture with the waterfall in the back then we got to the elevator and go down we head to the car and he takes me home we ride in a comfortable silence. We get to the house he jumps out and gets my door and we hug and I tell him I'll see him tomorrow morning at school and he watches me to make sure I get in the house I yell back I'm good now you can get in your car now I'm safe. He yells I have to see you make it into the house. I smile while closing the door then I text him and tell him text me when he makes it home then I realize it's 1am. I text Sasha
Me- You better be working tomorrow because we've got a lot to talk about and the girl tryna steal clothes wasn't the only thing we were talking about and we needed to hang out.

Bestfriend 💚🤞🏽🥰- okay it's 1 why are you still up?

Me- lol I just got home from a date why you up?

Bestfriend 💚🤞🏽🥰- Tell me about it since it's got you coming home at 1 in the morning.

Me- Nah that's for another day I'm going to bed I'll tel Lyon about it tomorrow or something maybe we can go to lunch.

Bestfriend 💚🤞🏽🥰- Fine goodnight little ugly talk to you tomorrow.

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